dubhghall said:
Yes! The shop can make the paperwork out for the £1k and you can pay them the difference - they called it a deposit in my case. The voucher comes for £1k. This may be a bike shop "
favour" though, I certainly haven't read it in the Cycle Scheme bumf. I did on my last bike and a colleague did a couple of weeks ago. In my experience the bike shops will bend over backwards to get a sale and are quite happy to oblige.
Depends on the scheme.
A voucher from Cyclescheme can be used to part pay for a bike, so you can top up with cash.
The £1000 limit only applies if your company doesn't have a Consumer Credit License for a higher amount (CCLs are not required for finance up to £1000). The company I work for has a CCL for £1500 and so that's how much I got a cyclescheme voucher for.
I then paid more money on top of this. On the credit card so it wasn't a cash-in-hand on the sly deal. My receipts and documentation all have the full cost of the bike on them.
As for timing, I emailed back the hire agreement (scanning and emailing it saved it waiting 2 days in the post) and 7 days later I got my voucher. I could have walked out of the bike shop with my bike the day I went in (without any warning) as they had it in stock in my size (and optional setup) but I didn't have my cycling stuff with me, or the computer and pedals I was going to fit.
There are other version of the scheme (not run by Cyclescheme) where you cannot top up the payment. However, I'm sure you'd be able to find a bike shop that will accept cash-in-hand deal on top and write the appropriate numbers/items on the receipts.