Has anybody had a finger in their bum recently?

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Smutmaster General
As for getting 'er indoors to try it. I showed her the diagram and her response was "Oh it's there" then changed the topic of the conversation.
I think it can be aptly demonstrated by asking the other person to try to locate the swarfega dispenser by putting their finger through the keyhole of the toolshed. :okay:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
That actually answers my question that Accys thread begged: why aren't men taught prostate self examination? If men regularly palpated their own prostates (once a month after your period :biggrin:), then they would be very alert to changes. This would probably be better than a GP. I am struck the the story of Chrissie Amphlet, who found something during breast self examination. A mammogram was clean, but she knew what her breasts felt like and was convinced something was wrong. She insisted on a biopsy. And, sadly, she was right. The cancer eventually killed her. I think men could get as familiar with their own prostates as she was with her breasts.

But I guess asking people to stick their own finger up their bum is a step too far.

I'm gonna be brave here and talk about my phobia. I just hate anything to do with 'down below'. I have done since human biology lessons at school 40 odd years ago,when we were asked to dissect animals dangly bits,which to make it worse we had to acquire from a local butcher or slaughterhouse of our choice:ohmy:. We had to be tough in those days,so asking to skip these experiments was met with 'you are a big soft baby' mocking reply. I'd dread the lessons days before they were due. Once in the lesson i'd go white as a sheet and go into a cold sweat. So the thought of 'experimenting,examining or just talking about men's dangly bits put the fear of god into me! This is the first time i've actually mentioned my phobia, so that's a bit of a step forward isn't it? I have had my own finger up there. I do every time i shower or go for a number 2,for cleanliness reasons. The first time i felt my er hum that thing that begins with a P:secret:, I thought it was part of my colon or something like that,as i had a large hernia at the time,so i thought it was that popping out. I did 'man up' the other month and felt my P:secret:.I came over all dizzy and shakey. It felt ok as in not enlarged and so i left it at that. :unsure:

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
I was in hospital last year for stomach surgery and this never came up. I recall Billy Connolly joking about it once he turned 50.

Frankly, no-one in their right mind should venture near my rear end without serious PPE, face mask etc....:laugh:. Even I try to steer clear of it.


Legendary Member
I was in hospital last year for stomach surgery and this never came up. I recall Billy Connolly joking about it once he turned 50.

Frankly, no-one in their right mind should venture near my rear end without serious PPE, face mask etc....:laugh:. Even I try to steer clear of it.
That might come in handy if Russia look for an alternative to Novochoc
Ive today been diagnosed with prostate cancer after weeks of bum fingers, PSA levels, MRI scans and a biopsy. I've a Gleason score of 3/3. It's the least aggressive type so they've suggested a watch and wait approach. Still getting my head around it.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Ive today been diagnosed with prostate cancer after weeks of bum fingers, PSA levels, MRI scans and a biopsy. I've a Gleason score of 3/3. It's the least aggressive type so they've suggested a watch and wait approach. Still getting my head around it.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Ive today been diagnosed with prostate cancer after weeks of bum fingers, PSA levels, MRI scans and a biopsy. I've a Gleason score of 3/3. It's the least aggressive type so they've suggested a watch and wait approach. Still getting my head around it.

Shoot, that's all you need after the 'other' C. Let's hope it's least aggressive. My Uncle has it, but as mid 70's it won't kill him, old age will.

I guess you'll be off the 'Testosterone' replacement ? That's my worry as I have to keep a close eye on my PSA levels (they have gone up since on T replacement) - gone from 1 or less to 2 last time.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Ive today been diagnosed with prostate cancer after weeks of bum fingers, PSA levels, MRI scans and a biopsy. I've a Gleason score of 3/3. It's the least aggressive type so they've suggested a watch and wait approach. Still getting my head around it.

I think you have to watch and wait - too many risks with surgery, and at your/my age. Thinking of you !!


Leg End Member
Ive today been diagnosed with prostate cancer after weeks of bum fingers, PSA levels, MRI scans and a biopsy. I've a Gleason score of 3/3. It's the least aggressive type so they've suggested a watch and wait approach. Still getting my head around it.
The waiting, twiddlin your thumbs, everything comes to mind is worse. Best o'luck and hope everything works out for the better.

I still owe you for that drink you left to one side just short of two years ago.
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