Does it matter whether they increase your personal safety or otherwise? It's your choice to wear one or not. They might be no better than kissing an icon of St. Christopher before each ride, for all I know, but I wear one. Just a habit, that's all. Do what you want.
Exactly! The benefits are debatable, there is little independent evidence out there, and you need to factor in the people who would never start to cycle if they perceive it as dangerous (Wearing a helmet is not a neutral act, others see that an experienced cyclist feels the need for one and think twice before riding a bike.). There is also the risk compensation by riders and drivers. There is evidence that drives pass helmeted cyclist closer than none helmeted riders and helmeted cyclists are also prone to take a few more risks themselves.
The Australian experience is that helmet compulsion does not reduce a riders chance of head injury, the reduction in such injuries are in line with the reduction in cycle use, and the reduction in cycle use is large. So more people will develop diabetes, heart problems and obesity. All of which kill.
If I could say one thing to headway and the other campaigners as well as the government it would be this.
Please, please, please! Factor in the total health loss from helmet compulsion before you make it compulsory.