Well, that's another straw man well and truly vanquished.I am prepared to accept that she made a mistake, she has apologised and said she will not wear it again.
Well, that's another straw man well and truly vanquished.I am prepared to accept that she made a mistake, she has apologised and said she will not wear it again.
Princes Michael has gone to lunch with Harry and Meghan wearing a Blackamoor brooch.
I think she was just being patronizing rather than racist.
What does patronising mean, in this context?
"I've got lots of black friends ..."What does patronising mean, in this context?
Racist. HTHWhat does patronising mean, in this context?
I would only accept that if I didn't know that every member of the royal family has a staff, whose job is (at least partly) to stop them making stupid mistakes.I am prepared to accept that she made a mistake, she has apologised and said she will not wear it again.
Didn't they use to give them away if you collected labels from jam jars?
Both are meant to show an acceptance of black people when it shouldn't be necessary.I am not seeing how that relates to this story.
I didn't see it. It wasn't one of those wooly Rastafarian ones was it, with fake dreadlocks?I wonder if the Queen's choice of hat for the state opening of parliament was accidental? I'm pretty sure it wasn't - as someone has already said, they have staff.
It’s the sort of excuse you’d on the BNP website...
I understand that, if I and others see Princess Michael's action as possibly bring a racist snub, this causes others to not care about proper racism. What a pathetic excuse for not caring.