Do you know of a study into "warming up" that uses a larger experimental and control sample, of people of any age?
No, you don't, because there isn't one.
I'm afraid all you - or I - can do outside of that is speculate. Where large scale evidence does exist it shows no injury reduction benefit to warming up. Anything else is speculation, and it is concerning to see you speculating and coming to a conclusion with no evidence whatsoever to support your assertion.
What a bizarre post.
Thank you for your concern, but nothing in my post offered any sort of conclusion and no assertion was made.
All I've suggested is that it is unwise to generalise to such a degree. Like it or not, two battalions of marines is not representative of the population at large, or indeed people on this forum. The evidence presented is relevant to marines (or others with similar physical attributes) doing marine-ey things only, and in this context should at the very least be treated with caution, but more likely be dismissed as worthless.
That's not speculation - that's a fact.
If being concerned about speculation and forming conclusions based on no evidence whatsoever is your sort of thing, I suggest you head over to the 'Helmet Discussions' part of the forum - you can't move for that sort of stuff there.
It's pretty much all the anti-helmet brigade have to go on.