I think I have joined this a little late!
SOHSS, I see where you are coming from and you are using a lot of similar language to what I do. I think you are just coming from a slightly different angle.
I agree with you that all road users should be treated as equals, which is what I think you mean. However, all road users should not be treated the same, which I think is where mickle is coming from.
By that I mean that, each road user has their own issues and own requirements that differ from others. For example, the fact that cyclists if hit are at much higher risk of injury is a fact, so we need a little more 'respect' by other road users who are the ones that pose us that risk. However, in this instance 'respect' does not mean that cyclists should have more right to be there, what I mean by respect is that cyclists should be given more space time etc.
So I think that some people use respect to mean slightly different things and that is where part of the problem arises. When I say 'mutual respect' what I want is everyone to understand that we all have equal rights just as you say SOHSS. However, when other cyclists suggest that cyclists demand more respect they often just mean more space and time etc. Thus the misunderatanding.
One argument I don't like that mickle has used is the argument that cyclists have more legal rights to be on the road because we don't need a licence etc. I can see how that irritates drivers. Remember, a driver who has passed his test and has paid all of his dues has as much right as a cyclist to be on the road. No more no less. It is the drivers who drive without having a licence, insurance etc that we all need to worry about.
I personally agree that tests for cyclists would be a good idea. I also feel that the driving test would be better if there was an onroad cycling part to the test. i.e. you should have to pass a on road cycle proficiency test, before you were allowed to take a car test. This is probably not practical though....