hubgearfreak said:
your original point that
is what's got my back up. i have no duty to be knowledgeable of how to drive a car/bus/lorry in order to ride a bike.
but motorists do have a responsibility and legal duty to be careful and considerate around more vulnerable road users. a few ignore this responsibility and race round like twats.
Yes, some race around like twats, no doubt. Novas, Corsas and even what I have, Fiestas.
But what I'm trying to get at, what everyone on here has missed by quite a margin so far, is that cyclist also have a responsibility to be courteous and careful, which a few people on here dont seem to grasp.
Am not sticking up for cars and am not sticking up for bikes, because I use both now.
A bit like the Rangers/Celtic thing up here in Glasgow. I support Motherwell and still get pelters!!! Cant win really!!1!!