Have another flat tyre!!!!!
I'm obviously doing something wrong!!!
Pop the tyre off and check very thoroughly around the inside for anything sharp. Remove any that you find. The first puncture I had was caused by a tiny sharp stone that had worked its way through the rubber and finally all the way through to the tube.
I fixed the tube and removed the stone, but 3 days later it was flat again. When the stone had gone through it had pushed some of the wires inwards and created a sharp area that rubbed on the tube and punctured it again. I covered the exposed wires with a sticky patch and that sorted it.
That's been the only puncture I've had on a road bike, my only other puncture was on the MTB going down a muddy bridleway in winter. The cause was obvious, a 3 inch long metal staple had gone straight through the lot. That was a messy repair and it was getting dark. And just as I was fitting the new tube, it started snowing

Someone must have hated me that day.