I doubt it. Just look at all the "if a cyclsit does [insert minor trangression of the letter of the law of your choice] can I run him over without a second thought?" whataboutery that's been all over social media since the THC update. It worries me that some people actually think in those terms.
Many years ago I joined the IAM to do their advanced driving test. I went to a few meetings and one of them included a talk by some traffic cops
They told a story where they had to clear a bit of discarded tyre from the middle lane of the motorway
the procedure is/was for the cop car to park on the hard shoulder near it with every possible light on - including the blue flashing ones
then one cop stays by the car and keeps watch and the other waits for a gap and runs out to get the obstruction.
Anyway - on this occaision one of them runs out but just as he got to the tyre debris a car appeared up the road - in the same lane as the obstruction - and now the cop as well
In that situation the cop is supposed to stand still and wave his arms so be as visible as possible - if he runs either way the driver of the car could go the same way
SO there they were - car approaching at motorway speeds - cop standing in the middle lane in hi-vis waving his arms like crazy
the car stays in the middle lane heading right for the cop - and the debris
the cop finally leaps sideways and the car misses him and goes over the tyre debris and just carries on - never moving from the middle lane
As you can imagine the cops jumped into the Police car and shot off after the car and pulled him over
His excuse
"well you shouldn;t have been there"
they finished their talk by saying
"when you are driving - remember - that guy is still on the roads"
he probably would run over a cyclist if he though they were in the wrong part of the road! (OK that was a long time ago - but you know what I mean)