It's a very nice and tempting offer but I will have to decline, thanks! I've got family visits planned over that period and have a rather pressing appointment with a Mr. Neeta Earnalot! I also don't think I'll be up to much travelling this year.Hope the blood test come back all clear Col (when they do come back)
Don't know if you are interested (or indeed if it would be sensible?) but I am possibly driving down to the Alps in Aug/Sept for 2-3 weeks camping and cycling in various locations. If you have a tent then you are more than welcome to join me, maybe a change of air/ scenery and some varied walking routes might do you good? (if you have a bike bag then might even be able to fit your bike in the boot.......or maybe that would be pushing it?)
It's a very nice and tempting offer but I will have to decline, thanks! I've got family visits planned over that period and have a rather pressing appointment with a Mr. Neeta Earnalot! I also don't think I'll be up to much travelling this year.
... they f***ed up the tests and need to do them again!
It's really annoying because if something is wrong, they might have spotted it 5 weeks ago. The good news is that if something has gone wrong since the original samples were taken, the new tests should spot it!
Thanks chaps.
Since my previous post, I've been out for a walk in the sunshine up the steep hill to Heptonstall. Once I'd warmed up for 5 minutes I felt fine! Just goes to show ...
It baffles me how I can feel really rough one minute, and then half an hour later after some fairly vigorous exercise, I feel perfectly okay again. This is the problem with judging how hard to push myself. If I don't stretch my limits, then I won't get fit again. If I push too hard, I'm going to end up conking out.
One interesting fact I heard on 'The Human Swarm' documentary last week was that there are an extra 200 heart attacks in the UK every day when the temperature drops by only 1 degree C (this must be between some unstated temperature limits, but the general principle is simple). One reason is that the body's response to cold conditions causes the blood to thicken and become more 'clotty'. Well, I have been stubbornly refusing to put the heating on recently despite some pretty chilly evenings and I was thinking how cold my legs had been feeling ... From now on, I'm going to keep warm and drink more water so I avoid the other thing that causes thicker blood - dehydration.
I've read that some of the things that I really like such as garlic, ginger, curry powder and chillis act as natural blood thinners so I am going to make sure that I keep eating plenty of spicy food. I also love green veg. rich in the 'clotting vitamin', vitamin k. I am not going to give up on my broccoli, iceberg lettuce, spring onions etc., but I will moderate my portions slightly and eat more carrots and other alternative veg. which won't make my blood thicker.
I don't think lack of rest is the problem at the moment, Dave - this has been the longest period of rest that I have ever had!![]()
Urban myth - the diuretic effect of caffeine is absolutely minimal.Everyone should be aiming to drink about 2 litres of water each day - and tea/coffee don't count, as they are diuretics, so if you drink 1 cup of tea/coffee, it should be 'replaced' with a similar amount of water !
Well, I just got back from another fun-packed 24 hour visit to an A&E assessment ward and it looks like I am now an official member of the 'Warfarin for life' club!
I have a bilateral pulmonary embolism. No, not the original one - that is so 'last year' - this is a brand new 2013 version. Whoopee! Strictly speaking, bilateral pulmonary emboli - there are several in each lung. That explains my recent wobbles and shortness of breath.
The doctors do not know where the clots are coming from, but as one doc said, I seem to be pretty good at this clotting malarkey!
The one consolation is that I discovered the problem much earlier this time so recovery ought to be quicker.
I need a few weeks for the anticoagulants to do their thing, and hopefully I will then start making progress again.