Cake connoisseur
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- Where the chevrons are
Glad to hear you feel well enough to come home Colin, but do make sure you take it steady! Defrosting is far too rock 'n' roll!
Glad to hear you feel well enough to come home Colin, but do make sure you take it steady! Defrosting is far too rock 'n' roll!
Ha ha! I have to laugh, otherwise I'd cry ... I never thought I'd see the day when defrosting a fridge would push me to my physical limits!Glad to hear you feel well enough to come home Colin, but do make sure you take it steady! Defrosting is far too rock 'n' roll!
Although not as serious as DVT, I've (so far) twice had illnesses that were physically debilitating, the first time I was able to go back to my parents' house to be looked after, but the second time was living on my own and had the same kind of insight - cooking was too much effort, I'd be desperately thirsty as i couldn't face going to the kitchen for a drink, was unable to walk down the street or go shopping without a friend escorting me etc and lost confidence in my capacity to handle the outside world.Ha ha! I have to laugh, otherwise I'd cry ... I never thought I'd see the day when defrosting a fridge would push me to my physical limits!
It has certainly given me an insight into how frail, lonely pensioners must live their lives...
I was told that a DVT could be caused by something as trivial as a bruise. Pretty shocking really when you realise how serious the consequences can be!Someone I used to work with had a DVT in his mid 20s after he was hit in the thigh by a cricket ball. He had to wear a compression bandage and take daily warfarin, but he has lasted a further 40 years and counting .....
I think it might have been enough for him if he had been sensible. Instead he treated the DVT as an excuse to give up exercise and carried on drinking and smoking for another thirty years. He only saw the light in his mid 50s, by which time it was far too late to reverse any of the damage.I'm glad that your former colleague is still with us, though I am hoping that 6 months of Warfarin treatment will be enough for me.
It is depressing how many conditions are caused or made worse by being a lardy lump.I am looking forward to cycling at a much more sensible weight in 2013!
Thanks.Get well soon Colin! I seem to have posted above on the wrong thread, I will delete it!
After you are well we can go up Shibden Wall aka Lee Lane, just north of Halifax: a cobbled 1 in 4 climb. You'll love it! I only just got up it in 26x25 on a tourer. After the first third of the climb there is no respite from the gradient and no escaping the cobbles, you just have to grind up.
have been told that cranberries and cranberry juice are a big no-no when on Warfarin.