my mum kept getting slightly blocked in by someone else on the road parking right level with the end of our narrow drive
now our drive is quite a steep slope leading upto the road and we go nose first otherwise we've had cars struggle for grip when the boot has a fair bit of stuff in it so parking within a foot or two of our drive is a bad plan.
at the time she was on call to get to her parents quickly as a lot was going on with health issues for both of them, they only live 20 mins drive away but could not get her car out without risking bashing this car, the owner of whom was no where to be found so i used my car, with its metal bumpers and rubber overriders to gently push it a foot or two down the hill to not be blocking the drive - no damage to anything, except i've no where to park still and had to borrow a neighbors drive (he hasn't got a car)
neighbours can be annoying, my fiancee's daily plans revolve round it!