Noisy neighbours are the worst kind of problem,it still shocks me how ignorant and selfish people can be.A few years ago a neighbour was plagued by freinds knocking about the front door of someone nearby,up until 1 am nearly every night for months,this neighbour wasnt getting any sleep and went out to ask them to keep it down politely,as they had had no real sleep for months,they went quiet for a few minutes,then the volume returns to normal,and as your nodding off someones loud laugh wakes you again.Well he went out again to ask,and by this time i can understand what his stress level must have been,any way this poor gentleman had a heart attack,but as he fell he banged his head which caused the death of this man,ironically the heart attack didnt directly cause his death,it was the faul that this caused.I am still convinced that the noise that went on for months was the cause of this tragedy,and because of this i am intolerant of unnecessary noise from so called neighbours,and will treat it as a very serious thing.