I wonder if part of this is a different cultural approach to local towns and taxation generally. My impression in the UK is that most people see a council authority as a necessary evil to keep the lights on and empty the bins so everyone else can get on with life, preferably as cheaply as possible, whereas in Germany they are seen more in a management role, and the town is seen as a sort of business. The job of the local authority then, is to invest in the town and manage development.
For example, we have an annual land tax here which goes to the local authority (Tax offices are a lot more local too, usually for the county or even district), and they're based on the value of a building the land a building is built on. This is calculated partly by things like local transport connections allow a council to increase the land tax. This means local councils can invest in local transport, knowing they will get the money back in the long run in higher land taxes, which is why we have a tram locally and other towns have bought the local railway.
Also a lot of expenditure is seen as investment too, in the case of the local railway the local authority will insist that the trains are maintained locally too, and pay for this in the contract with the railway company, which means skilled people are employed locally, which increases the tax income... you get the idea.
In this context a tourist tax makes sense: there needs to be investment to get more tourists, so there needs to be money for the investment, the tourists are using the infrastructure, so if they pay a bit towards it, the local government has a fund to invest to make things more attractive like extra cycleways, new bridges, bigger railway stations (so people come by train and not by road, which saves money and keeps it flowing in the local economy) or restoring buildings, or startup finance for more B&B's et c.
I notice frequent positive comments about cycleways in Germany, well this is (partly) how they are paid for, because local governments have realised that cyclists are a great money earner, and bike routes cost less to maintain than roads, so encouraging cycling is a good return on investment.
In short, German local governments have got the skill of being boring down to a fine art, keeping things working and slowly improving them, but I think people's attitudes are different as well, because they see the advantages.