Over policing is an issue but that only effects the the ground and the area round it not the wider over spill. Which still need to be covered.
Over the 20+ years of proving FA cover 1st as a cadet then as an adult duty office responsible for not just 1000's of fans but the safety of 20+ fellow members. I have seen violence had to deal with it from punch ups to having to treating fans in the middle of a full on riot of away fans.
Football is like no other licensed business if you owned a bar that required police to call round every week to deal with violence both inside and outside the venue. You'd soon find yourself before licensing and be closed down. But football can just carry on. As for local taxpayers are fans yes it's true but away fans are not. So maybe a charge back to the away LA maybe a part fix. In the end if you wish to run and event or put on show ect you have to arrange and pay for correct cover of stewards, FA ect or you can't run the event it's called being responsible and fair to all. A concert by a big name as an eg has to also show how they internet to reduce the impact on local A and E and hospitals so my 20 members becomes 200+ along with 20+ team of HCP's and a large number of the big vans with blue lights. Football is in a world of its own.
As for party conferences ect police are able to apply for home office funding to cover the cost. But yes that needs looking at but its not every week and its not just down to one local force but others. inc the met and special branch. In the end someone has to pay if footballl can have transfer budgets 1000's of times bigger than a police force budget then they can well afford to pay the true cost of covering a match.
You talk about policing and compare football and pubs.
From my experience most of the trouble that is attributed to football and football fans is more about pubs and alcohol than it is the football itself.
Papers and TV love a screaming headline about " football hooligans " but when you read a full report , very often it turns out that the offences commited happened nowhere near a football ground and often involved people who didn't actually attend any match.
They stand in a bar , shout at the TV , get drunk and cause trouble.
Thats for the pubs , police , TV company to look at.
Some people don't agree with that and still say that this is still a football problem.
I usually ask , if there was a fight in a pub that had Coronation Street on the TV would it be Coronation streets fault