Great Quotes

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Charming but somewhat feckless
The colours change all the time and no one has been able to produce any footage of it being said, supposedly by Ted Lowe commentating on a Pot Black game. It is just a joke that has passed into legend, like the Ringo quote and the Bob Holness playing sax on Baker Street.

Well the BBC say it's true and they broadcast the show.

ETA: And classic has anticipated the link I was going to post!
Well the BBC say it's true and they broadcast the show.

ETA: And classic has anticipated the link I was going to post!
Now have they reviewed the footage or are they just guilty of repeating the myth? I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I still don't think so.


Legendary Member
50 years ago our teacher used to drum into us "there is no such thing as nearly unique. Something is either unique or its not"

Mmm, that doesn't sound right to me. "more unique" I grant you would be wrong, but "nearly unique" whilst it's a sub-category of "not unique" seems as legitimate as "nearly equal to three" is a sub-category of "not equal to three"


Charming but somewhat feckless
Now have they reviewed the footage or are they just guilty of repeating the myth? I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I still don't think so.

Ach, it's a lovely story, entirely believable and yet to be debunked so I'm going to carry on enjoying it until someone proves otherwise.
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Mmm, that doesn't sound right to me. "more unique" I grant you would be wrong, but "nearly unique" whilst it's a sub-category of "not unique" seems as legitimate as "nearly equal to three" is a sub-category of "not equal to three"
And anyway, grammar prescriptivists are just nazis, as my soon-to-graduate-in-English daughter often reminds me. :smile:

LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

I think of this every time I see one of those "motivational" posters at work.
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