great north bike ride

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New Member
I'm considering doing this ride myself next year, I hope all those that took part enjoyed themselves, to one rather large gent riding a MTB I'd like to post the following

Out for my usual Sunday afternoon bike ride, had groups of riders doing the GNBR travelling in the opposite direction to me, a pair of riders riding side by side with other cyclists behind them, a car comes down the road in the same direction as the cyclists and pulls out to overtake, it looks like it's going to be a bit tight so I slow down a little, at this time one of the following group decides to overtake the two cyclists riding side by side without checking behind first, forcing the car driver to swerve right over onto my side of the road, thankfully I had just seconds earlier decided it was going to be a little too close for comfort anyway and had stopped and pulled into the curb, if I hadn't I really don't think that I'd be here typing this.

To the cyclist the next time think before overtaking, it might not be just your life that you put in jeopardy.

To other members of the forum I appologise for making my first post so negative.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Hi Barrie and welcome to the CC forums

Yes I'm afraid there were a number of cyclist who flouted the rules a little on the day ... One woman rode out to the center line of the road and wouldn't pull into the near side (when asked) to allow cars coming from behind a free passage, forcing them to overtake in the other lane into oncoming traffic ... this caused quite a bit of a tail back as cars left seahouses.

Myself and Anne passed the same three riders (twice after our short stop) riding three abreast and we were forced to overtake these in the opposite lane again.

Pure ignorance on the behalf of some people I'm afraid.


P.S Anne check out photo 4 here :biggrin:
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