Grand children.

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I used to make sure I was cleaning my shotgun on the dining room table when the boys arrived for my daughters.

That brings back good memories.

The first time I stayed over with the now Mrs Slick, I woke to find her Dad and youngest brother cleaning their rifles. :laugh:


Heavy Metal Fan
I find this really odd, and sad. I've never known any grandchild to be that rude/dismissive of their grandparents. I would have a jolly good chat with your son/daughter and see how they respond. If you're told you're interfering or over reacting then it might be a lost cause.
For what it's worth, my son went through a phase where he was a bit rude/ungrateful towards my mum. He was 8 at the time. I explained how important grandparents are and how they can be such a special part of the extended family. Now 12, he loves Nanna and Pappa and has good respect for them. Maybe the parents need to have a word with their son, and maybe it needs to be you who initiates that conversation?
I find this really odd, and sad. I've never known any grandchild to be that rude/dismissive of their grandparents. I would have a jolly good chat with your son/daughter and see how they respond. If you're told you're interfering or over reacting then it might be a lost cause.
For what it's worth, my son went through a phase where he was a bit rude/ungrateful towards my mum. He was 8 at the time. I explained how important grandparents are and how they can be such a special part of the extended family. Now 12, he loves Nanna and Pappa and has good respect for them. Maybe the parents need to have a word with their son, and maybe it needs to be you who initiates that conversation?

Just been to a disaster of a birthday meal for the 12 year old grand Daughter

Middle grand kid was being a right pain and - because he is Autistic (a bit - he is fine with us and his other grand-parents) - he was allowed to get away with anything
eventually my wife made a gentle comment and the kids' Mum were ballistic

Oh and the food was over 2 hours in coming in spite of being pre-ordered the previous night - which really doesn;t help when you have kids that have an early bedtime

so the whole thing was a disaster

criticising a parent - even gently can badly backfire
especially the type that can never be wrong
I reckon it will be weeks before we are allowed to see the kids again - and then only if they have no-one else

anyway - that was my day
which is normally the case anyway


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I find this really odd, and sad. I've never known any grandchild to be that rude/dismissive of their grandparents. I would have a jolly good chat with your son/daughter and see how they respond. If you're told you're interfering or over reacting then it might be a lost cause.
For what it's worth, my son went through a phase where he was a bit rude/ungrateful towards my mum. He was 8 at the time. I explained how important grandparents are and how they can be such a special part of the extended family. Now 12, he loves Nanna and Pappa and has good respect for them. Maybe the parents need to have a word with their son, and maybe it needs to be you who initiates that conversation?

mini ck 1 is a right nasty piece of work to me and mrs ck half the time but loves grandad and wants to live there , yeah grandad only sees the nice kid and doesnt have to cope with the fallout if they dont get what they want


Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
and his nana ( my wife ), always takes his side.

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but if you and your wife are not aligned then this is the first thing that needs to be addressed. You are not the parents of your grandchildren and only need to care for them in your own home on your own terms, but this requires you and your wife to be aligned.
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