Got a start date

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Active Member
I hope you have a lovely time, and as the old adage suggests: it's the journey and not getting there that is the cherry on the cake.
My LeJog start 12 September and I'm hoping for cool weather and a following wind. It's 92F where I live today and it is high humidity, the forecast for the the remainder of the summer is mid 90's every day.
Be happy with British weather, at least you are unlikely to collapse from heat exhaustion. :hyper:


Legendary Member
quick update.

Set out from Clevedon today heading towards Gloucester. Still haven’t got moving yet.

Stayed dry so far and Leigh'spartner carried our overnight kit in the campervan for the first 3 days making Cornwall easier.

Day 4 (first day with full load) was a great hot, dry and dusty day with a slight headwind following canal towpaths, lanes and old railway lines across the Somerset Levels through Taunton and Bridgewater. The surface hammered the arms a bit , but an extra mg of prednisone kept he body under control.

Onward to Glocester, Upton-upon-Severn then via Worcester to Stafford to meet some old friends and re-charge.


Legendary Member
Day 6, yesterday covered another 50 miles from Clevedon to Epney. Refreshed after a rest day and blown along by a tail wind. Coffee stop at Berkeley tea rooms (excellent bike friendly cafe) where I lent a spoke key to Ben and Joey to fix rear wheel of Joey's old Raleigh.

Diverted to a co-op in Alkerton to pick up food and water. Then stopped at the Anchor in for a few pints.

Leigh blagged camping pitches in an adjoining paddock so stopped there for the night and had a few more beers.

In Gloucester docks now for coffee and cake but got distracted and was mobbed and robbed of the cake by a mob of gulls.

Heading on to Upton-upon-Severn now via Wyche Inn (to see an old school mate). May stop over a day or two in Upton for the Jazz Festival

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Costa Clyde
Heading on to Upton-upon-Severn now

Coincidentally I am not far away from you, on the west side of Cheltenham. Was down this way for a family funeral so decided to stay a few days. Travelling by car though, and unfortunately not this one...
A DB5 at a petrol station in Cheltenham today..... Stunning car.

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Heading back home tomorrow. Good luck with the rest of your LEJOG, and well done getting Devon and Cornwall out of the way (the most difficult section, from reports I have read?).


Legendary Member
Day 8

A "lock in" and too many beers in Upton resulted in changed plans and a late start. Meandered about the campsite in the morning, strolled into Upton for "hair of the dog" and listened to some Jazz (Nice 👌). Hit the road at about 4.30.

Had to stop at about 6 miles in to fix a loose/grip bar on Leigh's bike. Lovely quiet route into Worcester but a pannier bounced off into the road as I bumped down a kerb. Bike leant against a signpost, ran to retrieve the pannier and my bike fell and the front guard snapped. Easily fixed with duct tape.

Droitwich to get food, watched shopassistants chase 2 shoplifting scallys out of b&m then onwards. Set up camp in a wheat field just outside Hartlebury.

Woken at 6.30 am by a crow scarer. Feels like we're camping in a war zone. 😂

Coffee with sausage and egg rolls for breakfast. All packed now and ready to hit the road - destination Stafford. 👍


Active Member
I have just taken a look at the weather on the BBC site, head winds all the way north today. It had better be more reasonable come September.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
If you do too many lock-ins you’ll never leave.


Legendary Member
We did it. 25 days, 1738km. A great adventure :smile:

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