going CLIPLESS - call an ambulance.

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New Member
I fell off three times the first time I was out going clipless. Had a helmet on and was going slow enough - was very funny for me and friend ;)

1. First attempt I fell off trying to get out of them when stopping
2. Same again
3. Chain came off when going from smaller gear into bigger gear and I followed - landed in roadside ditch and could hardly stop laughing

Fine now ;)


never had one although I've had some near misses

SPDs and loose worked for me

I had a terrible very low speed near miss on a hill in heavy traffic on the L2B, the chap very next to me saying he'd have caught me was excellent


New Member
North Wales
Had a 'moment' the day I bought my first Bianchi. Shop set the bike up, took it onto the road behind the shop. Never used clipless before. Clipped in easily enough and off I went. Rode about 200 yards then turned around. Got back to shop and applied brakes. It was only as I came to a standstill that I suddenly realised that I didn't know how to unclip. Down I went in slow motion. Managed to stick arm out and cushion the blow, and avoid damaging my new pride and joy! After that I practiced against garage wall. Adjusted tension on pedals, and so far, touch wood, had no further episodes.


I had a few close moments when I went clipless but never had actually had 'a moment' until last summer when I switched Look cleats for 'Look style' cleats by Wellgo- cue first clipless moment, in rural Cheshire as I stopped for a pee. Couldn't unclip, I rode slowly into a field and just fell very slowly. Only 12 years after I first switched over, well it had to come some time I guess.


New Member
Been clipless for a few weeks now. Had a moment on day 2, fortunately was on a quiet street near my house. I'll probably have another one soon as i can feel myself taking more and more risks (ie staying clipped even when i know i might have to stop suddenly or when i'm going very slow)


New Member
I found it helped to think through what I really needed. I'm not a road racer so the ultimate in performance wasn't an issue, but practicality was. So when I first went clipless I went for SPD's with MTB pedals (engagement on either side), with the release set nice and slack. This meant that I could clip in and out nice and easily, with no clipless moments so far.

I also choose MTB shoes over road shoes, simply because I find them much more comfortable to walk around in, and the sole is ribbed and offers some form of grip should my feet be on the wrong side of a road style pedal, or a polished floor.

This combination may not be the best that there is, but it suits my needs to a "T".


Road cleats are slippy as hell compared to SPD MTB shoes. You can get rubber covers for the LOOK cleats. I've had to get used to the change, but it only took 50 miles or so.

It's a bit girly, but it's definitely shoes off and stocking feet for country pubs on a road ride.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
We all fall off mate....I was right 'pissed off' a couple of weeks ago when I did it - scratched the side of my rather expensive pedals...FFS, and still have a scab and sore elbow......


Well-Known Member
Leadlegs said:
I found it helped to think through what I really needed. I'm not a road racer so the ultimate in performance wasn't an issue, but practicality was. So when I first went clipless I went for SPD's with MTB pedals (engagement on either side), with the release set nice and slack. This meant that I could clip in and out nice and easily, with no clipless moments so far.

I also choose MTB shoes over road shoes, simply because I find them much more comfortable to walk around in, and the sole is ribbed and offers some form of grip should my feet be on the wrong side of a road style pedal, or a polished floor.....

I agree with leadlegs. I was new to clipless about a month ago & the LBS recommended Time Atac Alium pedals & MTB shoes. Would certainly recommend these for a novice as they are very easy to use, unclipping is straightforward and they don't release unexpectedly. Having served my apprenticeship on these I now feel ready to move up to cleated road pedals. Oh & BTW. Repeatedly practice unclipping supported by a wall before you go out. It took a night's sleep before my brain had absorbed the lessons of the day (three clipless moments in the drive) and no problems since.


Well-Known Member
Colley Gate
Just popped out to get my bike ready for the ride this morning and fell flat on me arse on the decking whilst in my clipless shoes:blush: Does this count?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
FBOAB said:
Just popped out to get my bike ready for the ride this morning and fell flat on me arse on the decking whilst in my clipless shoes:blush: Does this count?

Yep !!! Ice Skating with road shoes..... damp decking, tiled floors, laminate, carpet...all slippy as hell !


Legendary Member
East Lothian
Clipless is perfect, there's always a chance of a dodgy moment, but they are rare and as mentioned, low speed, the benefits when riding are huge.

I started cycling before clipless had been invented, then the standard was toe clips, straps and shoe plates, that really was more tricky as you had to loosen the the toe strap as you came up to a junction, I got my first set of Look pedals in '86, I could believe how good they were, never ridden a bike without being clipped in since then. Now virtually all of my cycling is MTBing I am always amazed at how many people ride flat pedals.


New Member
i'm with leadlegs ; i've got the spd / MTB shoes combination, i'm not wanting to go the complete 'road racer' like my mates, and wanted something i can walk in etc (and ok its the image thing, i'm falling somewhere between road rider and MTB on my hybrid). once the shoes arrive and i get my pedal tool i'll spend an evening in my garage swearing and giving up several times until i'm sorted


New Member
Start of a long day

My first fall was within the first 5 miles of starting the London to Paris this year, going through Blackheath in a traffic jam with 60 other riders. I managed to make everyone feel relaxed by falling off first. Pride bruised, no other injury. Over th e 4 days I saw lots of spills. Good fun when it happens to someone else.
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