Godfather III is really boring.

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just jim

It's not Michael Mann's Heat that's being remade but an 1986 Burt Reynolds vehicle, scripted by no less than William Goldman. Critical and commercial flop.

Deleted member 23692

Just recently watched the Redux (extended director's cut) of Apocalypse Now
I watched that too, purely to see if the extra bit unlocked the 'wonderfulness' of the movie that I obviously wasn't connecting with... it's just extends the tedium :sad:

One excellent scene with a perfectly matched Wagner soundtrack. The rest is just 'meh'


Silencing his legs regularly
I watched that too, purely to see if the extra bit unlocked the 'wonderfulness' of the movie that I obviously wasn't connecting with... it's just extends the tedium :sad:

One excellent scene with a perfectly matched Wagner soundtrack. The rest is just 'meh'
Must admit that I agree that the extension adds nothing.
The French Connection is fab, the sequel nah.
The Exorcist is a good documentary!:smile:


The Shawshank Redemption is a film that people who like mainstream Hollywood films think is the best film of all time. People who like cinema more broadly tend to rate it much less highly. The former think the latter are pretentious gits, the latter think the former don't get the 'art' of film.

I don't think The Godfather Part 3 is as bad as some people say, but then again I don't think the first two are quite as good as people say. I will not hear a word against either The Deer Hunter or Apocalypse Now, though.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
The Deer Hunter is one of my favourite films. Maybe some films are of their time though and different generations like different stuff.
I saw Star Wars, as an engagement present at The Odeon, Leicester Square in 1977 and it took my breath away then. It wouldn't have the same impact these days though.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Apocalypse Now... good
Apocalypse Now Redux... well, lets just say i have no indention of watching it again.

Another film I seem to be on my own in not caring for... No Country For Old Men.
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