Glastonbury 2024 🎶

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Anyone There.. Gone.. Been.. Going?

I went to the 'original' one in 1970


Not sure if I could handle it all now 😂


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Anyone There.. Gone.. Been.. Going?

I went to the 'original' one in 1970

View attachment 735614

Not sure if I could handle it all now 😂

Except that wasn't the first one...
Though did influence the first and subsequent ones...

Only been once, 1997, rained erm a lot...


preferred Reading (/ Leeds) from the 80's (mid?) to early 2000's for the music I listened to and not as far to go...
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Except that wasn't the first one...
Though did influence the first and subsequent ones...

Only been once, 1997, rained erm a lot, preferred Reading (/ Leeds) from the 80's (mid?) to early 2000's for the music I listened to and not as far to go...

I remember reading somewhere that a certain Mr Eaves was at the 1970 one and offered a couple of fields to use for future 'events'.


Legendary Member
3 friends of mine were at the 1st Pilton Festival Graham, Pete and Glynis (Pete's girlfriend at the time and 10 years later (after they split amicably my 1st 'long time girlfriend')
I went in 87, tickets were £21 and it was a 'mudbath'. Highlight for me was 'The Robert Cray Band' who played at 8/8.30 pm friday on the main stage, it had been raining most of the day but went to just drizzling at tea time then stopped at around 7pm.
When Robert and the band came on it wasn't like they started with a big " Hello we're the Robert Cray Band" but rather they started out with a 'blues shuffle' with them around the drumkit/keyboard as a kind of 'warmup' for 5-10 minutes just to get them in the groove then as Robert went to the mic at the front the clouds parted and a shaft of late evening sunlight hit him. Now Robert Cray is a big fella and wearing a 'sky blue' suit with a black 'Strat' in his hands that looked about the size of an Ukelele he just said "Hello" as the band went into their 1st number with the light on him like the Gods had turned on a spotlight.
Blown Away doesn't even come close to how I felt, OK I might have been 'half pissed' and smoked a bit of hashish but standing just in front of the sound-desk tent/gazebo in the middle of the slope it was incredible.
Yep Richard Thomsom was good likewise Van Morrisson but others were shite (the Communards) and Billy Bragg seemed to wander onto the stages whenever there was a delay/hold-up and do a couple of songs (just walk on, plug a lead into his Telecaster and go)


Legendary Member
Robert Cray Hammersmith Odeon 1988
I had this on cassette taped off the radio


Kilometre nibbler
Festivals are definitely not my thing, so unsurprisingly I've not been. But I do watch it on telly sometimes.

One of my favourite you tube videos is Motorhead at Glastonbury with doing Ace of Spades and Overkill, with Lemmy having the time of his life.
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Kilometre nibbler
I went in '90 and '92 i think, they had a fallow year between my two visits. The 2nd time was the first time they had to put a fence up all the around the entire site to stop ne'er-do-wells from getting in for free... i still got in though :whistle:

Chatting to a friend of mine he recalled that in the 90s there were people selling access to fence defeating schemes. Pay £5 they'd let you use their tunnel, or trebuchet, or whatever.


Heavy Metal Fan
We went up there with no tickets. A mate took a rope and grappling hook (we were only 16), but we were told we wouldn't be able to scale the fence. We ended up walking to the nearby village and buying tickets from ticket touts. They were £45 IIRC and we feared they wouldn't work, but they scanned fine on the gates
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