A bit of background...
The wife likes Daniel O'Donnell, she also likes Roy Orbison.
Maybe 20 years ago, we were watching GMTV I think and Daniel O'Donnell was a guest, singing one of his songs. He appeared in front of the camera....with his suit jacket buttoned incorrectly, so one side was lower that the other

I almost collapsed in laughter, the wife was unhappy about my almost tearful loss of control at one of her favourite artists, one of those moments when you could laugh and snigger uncontrollably.
For many years, every time Daniel O'Donnell gets mentioned (which isn't THAT often) , I snigger and gesture with both hands in front of me, indicating a mock jacket that's been buttoned incorrectly.

. The wife scowls at my mocking
We're at my mums, there's a Roy Orbison CD on the side, the wife askes mum...
'Is this yours mum ?'
'Yes...do you like Roy Orbison ?
'Yes, I do

At this point I interject...
'I wonder if he can do his jacket up properly' and start sniggering
Mum looks confused

...the wife looked at me

...'Oh for gawlds sake, you're not STILL on about that are you ?'

20 years of fun I've had with that , thankyou Daniel, if only you knew.