Give me some dialogue from your day

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Contractor stood at the workshop door as I approached at 7am...he's here early ? Who is he, why is he here Im thinking..
'Hello bud, you being looked after ?
'No, just arrived, I've come to do the backup generator '
( It's a thumpingly V12 twin turbo diesel monster in a container)
'I thought you were here tomorrow' I asked
'Tomorrows a no no, fully booked, today's a nightmare, I've got loads of other jobs to do' ...I could see he was itching to get on, under pressure.

I thought for a mo...
'Are you servicing it ?'
'No just an inspection'
' Re book it mate, it's not vital then is it ?...get yourself off if you want'
'You sure ?'

His urgency visibly sank away...and he didnt waste any time turning round and off he went.
Nothing worse than an impossible workload (judging by his demeanour at first)


Never used Über Member
Just watching A Place In The Sun.
"It has a garage you can drive straight into"

I find that's always the best type of garage...:rolleyes:


Obviously a visitor to my village.

"***** cyclists, get out of my way."

"Excuse me sir, this is a one way street and you're going the wrong way."

"***** smart arse, move it."

As other vehicles approached from behind me, the driver must have realised his situation. There followed two minutes of hilarity, for me anyway, as he proved his complete and utter mastery of 'not understanding how to reverse'.

Still mouthing off, but behind closed car windows, he accelerated away venting his anger at his own motor. New clutch on the shopping list I suspect.

Aaah! Good times ;-)

This isn't directed to motorists, it's directed to idiots. Who may at one time or another be in a vehicle on public roads.


I have conciously developed a work attitude over the years...not to get stressed. Breakdowns on packing machines can be stressy, you struggle to find out what's causing the problem, theres maybe 30 people stood still while you fix it...its all on you and in the past, it can make your heart rate go up with stress.
Today I'd just fixed something and said to the operator..
'Whhoo, that was a stressy one, I was struggling to find out why it was happening' (although I was quite relaxed in my head)
Alexsa replied..
'Good grief, you're the most chilled guy I ever met, you never seem stressed'

Well, obviously it works .


We have an agency who supply our labour, during the virus restrictions they have temporarily supplied an 'overseer' to manage the hundreds of staff during breaks, ensuring the one way system is obeyed etc etc. We chat now and then and today he remarked he's worked in many countries, Spain, Cyprus, Uruguay, Argentina etc etc.
I asked...
'Where in Cyprus'
'Fruit farm near Limassol'
'Which one ?' I asked ...
'Phassouri, Red Seals farm..and a few others' he answered.
'Good grief, I've worked there many times over the years'...I replied.

After a few comparisons re Cyprus, it was bizarre, he had even worked at Frigofrut in Uruguay, then came the most surprising bit...
'I used to work for a Peterborough fruit company looking after their interests at suppliers abroard'
'Haha, I worked for that company 2000 to 2010'

Wed been visiting the same companies for different purposes, he for shipping, me for packing lines installation and maintenance....but for the same employer, our terms there didnt overlap, he left before I started.

It's a small world sometimes...


I set up a checkweigher this morning, theyve had problems getting them to work consistently. Similar to this...


Got it working consistently but there were a lot of under weights coming through but it was working correctly and rejecting them. I instructed the teams to try minimise the under weights at the ,loading end of the line.
1 hour later I get a phone call..
'Colin, the checkweigher not working, its rejecting good packs'
'Is that Line 5 ?'
'Yes, QC are telling me the packs are ok but the checkweigher is wrong'
'Checkweigher should be ok, there were a lot of under weights before, it's probably the same problem'

Production seemed to prefer to accept QCs word not mine...hmmmm
So I wandered up there, picked out 4 packs from the reject box and weighed them....all underweight and correctly rejected ...and with some small amount of smugness told them.
'Oh :sad: ' was the disappointed reply

Everyone wants a problem to be someone elses problem, not theirs. All they had to do was weigh the rejects, it's not rocket science.


Good music stands the test of time apparently.(as if we didnt know)
Gdaughter 15, plays guitar, sings and plays dums a bit was helping with the swapping of Spotify on mobiles...and asked..
'Give us a track, something to play so I can see if its working'
'Joy Division, anything by them' I replied.
'Oooh yes' she immediately replied..'respect for that' and offered me 'knuckles'

Marvelous, it's nice to know youngsters aren't just stuck with the current crop of music.

Later she followed up with..
'Got a plan grandad, I'm going to try the Army, you can get a £60k bursary , join for 4 years and I get my vets qualifications '

I wouldnt doubt shes capable, just about everything she puts her mind to...


Overheard in t'woods - mum talking to her (age 10ish) son: "He does his best's like he thought LOL meant lots of love, so he sent a note that said 'Sorry to hear of your father's death - LOL' "
Many of the clients/employees at the place I work at smoke in their breaks. One of them came in today to have this conversation:

Client: We need a new ash tray.
Boss: You already have ash trays. There's a wall mounted one outside.
Client: But it keeps getting full, we need a bigger one.
Boss: Then empty it.
Client: but we have to empty it too often. It's annoying.
Boss: Then stop bl$%dy smoking like chimneys every hour; problem solved. (walks off...)

I'll admit that's quite loosely translated, but you get the idea.
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Got a great complement from one of my clients at work, an older ex-handyman with psychological issues:

"We'll need to get some more wood cut Herr Ingermany, because frankly the speed you build pallets no-one can keep up with you."

As he'd be very quick to point out if I was doing it wrong, this was really encouraging because it means I've gained his respect, which doesn't come automatically.


My OA has flared up today, bad enough to make me need some cocodamol....which sometimes sends me a bit gaga.
I got home and my wife looked at me and immediately said...
'What's wrong with your eyes ' :blink:
I slept for a while, got up and was looking round the lawn, I've weed and feeded it a couple times this year and it's the best lawn we've ever had but I saw some weeds developing in the corner so got the weed and feed can, placed it on the fence, filled the sprayer with water and promptly sprayed the lawn.
Finished up, put the sprayer back in the shed, locked it up, turned round and uttered 'nooooo':ohmy:
The weed and feed can sat on the fence, I've just sprayed the lawn with water :headshake:

'You plonker' :laugh: my wife laughed.


Über Member
Northern NJ
So, I am good friends with my neighbor. We live in NJ but both of us grew up, at least part of the time, in the same town on Long Island in NY. Anyway, when we bought our house, long before my current neighbor bought his, our survey did not show any encrouchments either from our property onto his or his onto ours. Years later he buys his house and years after that we embarked on some rear yard work that included putting in a fence. Wanting to be sure we did not put the fence on their property we had a surveyor come out and stake the property. It identified that a stair leading from their side porch was encoaching onto our property by a few inches. He even said something to me saying their survey when they purchased the house showed it encroaching. So, they are now getting ready to sell and having some work done to get it ready. So I talked to my friend/neighbor and said that since they are doing a fair amount of work, why not do some work to the stairs so they do not encroach on my property. He seemed to be willing however he was also pretty buzzed from several too many beers. So today I texted him as a follow up to see what the contractors had to say. He replied that he was going to wait until a prospective buyer does their survey. To which I responded, that sounds like it may never get done. I then said that I would be willing to split the cost to redo the stairs. A generous offer I thought. I then overheard he and his wife talking outside and she was questioning why it needed to be done and was objecting. He was actually fighting with her to do the work and correct the encroachment. I then heard my doorbell so I went to the door and they are both standing outside. We start talking about it. It wasn't heated really. As my neighbor and his wife are fighting over it his wife then says "Well, I mean no disrespect but if "he" has to sue then let him sue." She was referring to me as I stood there.

So, there is a 20 year statute of limitations on adverse possession in my state. But it has to be open and notorious. My position is that it was neither because my surveyor didn't pick it up when we bought the house. Otherwise I would have addressed it before we closed on our purchase. It only showed up on my survey to do our fence which was only about 10 years ago. So, I am not going to pull together the second survey we did, speak to an attorney and serve notice of the encoachment and demand it's removal, filing the claim in court. Before I do that I will go to them one last time and give them the option of addressing it now and I'll split the cost. If not, I'll sue, and if I win, I won't be splitting the cost with them. Of course I may not win. But I think we've got a case. It all depends on how the judge looks at when the encroachment became known to me. We'll see. I hate confrontation, especially with someone I like and consider a friend.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
So, there is a 20 year statute of limitations on adverse possession in my state. But it has to be open and notorious. My position is that it was neither because my surveyor didn't pick it up when we bought the house. Otherwise I would have addressed it before we closed on our purchase. It only showed up on my survey to do our fence which was only about 10 years ago.
That's interesting - my sister has had to deal with a similar issue here in the UK recently when buying a house to retire to. The house was sold as having 3 parking spaces but her solicitor spotted that half of the outermost space was actually beyond the legal boundary of the property. Because the space had been used unchallenged for over 20 years, the vendor was able to get the property boundary changed by the UK land registry.

Good luck resolving your problem!
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