Give me some dialogue from your day

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Not that long. I won't survive 18 months looking after the boy on my own. He has to go back. I'm sure she's cooked up a suitable response. Torched the shed or shredded my collection of early prog rock .


Mrs pplpilot: we should have gone away more before we had children...

Me : :stop:

Mrs ppilot: what?

Me : well let me think... off the top of my head... Australia 3 months... 3 times! Sri Lanka twice. An 8 week road trip across the USA, a month in Canada, countless 7 and 14 night resort holidays. And I've lost count of the times we went to Brugge, Prauge and Brussels then there's all the last minute Friday night let's go London/Liverpool/Manchester etc.

Mrs pplpilot: yea alright don't go on about it...


American woman, about 25 yo to me...
'I love your shorts ' :okay:
'Errr, thank you :rolleyes:'
'That yellow is so nice I mean'
'I guessed you meant that...:smile:...'

a meaningless but friendly conversation followed until I got out the lift.

Never in a million years would that happen between a woman and a man back home...:laugh:.
My experience of Americans has been almost nil until this holiday...I've found many of them extremely nice folk.


Just watching a live band. ..rock tribute stuff..meh, they're ok but it's a bit light for me. They come on Guns n Roses style and I see Slash...

(Forgive the photo)

I turned to my wife and started singing. ..cockney style...

'Where did you get that hat ?...where did you get that hat ?'


[Post a bit of wife/daughter wardrobe-culling]

Me: I've hardly got any T-shirts left
Her: Ha ha. Don't go buying any new ones online. We'll get some decent ones for you when we go shoping
Me: I'm going on ebay now...
Her: No! Don't you dare.


1.5 hours today trying to get a machine working, it had worked fine all day...and suddenly went all wobbly, absolutely no rhyme nor reason....
Natalia, who I get on real well with, line leader, was concerned about the downtime and it's effect on her days output.
Got it going and stood talking about it as we monitored it. I explained...
'Who knows why it does that, maybe once a year it just goes stupid, it used to do it at our former factory
'Do you think the night cleaners have done something?' she asked...
'Nah, I know they sometimes mess stuff up but it's been ok all day...maybe someone's been messing with the settings, maybe the program crashed, in our last place they all used to have to blame something or someone...the night cleaners...nightahift would blame the day shift, day shift blamed the night shift....even the Romanians got blamed

Her face lit up :ohmy: and she burst out laughing :rofl:

I realised...'You're Romanian aren't you ' :laugh:
'YES :laugh:'
I Lithuanian line leader actually blamed the Romanian line leader on the opposite shift 'argh, it's the Romanians fault' he laughed
I explained to Natalia, some people seem to HAVE to blame someone, makes them feel better about themselves.


Us (my wife and i) to the young and struggling to make ends meet, mother of our granddaughter...
'Here you go, we got a weeks shopping for you :okay:'
'You didn't have to '...and she got a bit tearful.
'We've all been there, young, skint and not seeing the end of the tunnel, don't worry about it'
'There's some nappies in the car as well'
'Oh God....i was on the last one....thankyou so much'

It's easy to forget how tough it can be, young, kids, expensive rent, bills etc etc etc...i sometimes feel very very lucky (but we worked hard to get where we are ) and there's no harm in sharing it sometimes. No way will we see the kids go hungry...or mum for that matter.
Registrar: Do you smoke?
My Friend: Errrm, not tobacco, Doctor :whistle:
Registrar: ...and drink?
My Friend: Errrrm, about four pints a day, Doctor :whistle:

Registrar: Ahh, good morning Mr Smith*
Consultant: Good morning Doctor and who is this?
Registrar: This is Fred*, he smokes LOADS of wacky backy and drinks like a fish

My Friend: :ohmy:

*(names changed)


Legendary Member
Received word that a friend of the family was knocked off his bike, by a van on a roundabout, about 1 mile from my home, earlier in the week.

He was being followed by a Paramedic Car, who saw it all happen and took him onto A&E.

He's very very sore and lucky but nothing very serious by the sound of it.


Morning production meeting, I seemed to be the focus of several points that are causing 'problems'...difficulty getting hold of our dept, I carry radio but it's coverage isn't great and a mobile that seems to lose Wi-Fi sporadically. All rebuffed, there are laid down procedures for contacting us, they just forget. Then a machine that's being difficult, no problem, that's in hand and finally an issue with spare parts not turning up which caused some minor inconvenience. All sorted now.
Later, one of the senior technical guys in the meeting said to me...
'all the focus was on you this morning Col, you were getting it from all angles '^_^
'Yeah, no problem, I've told them and their predecessors...if they expect you to do everything, a non stop ever changing schedule of CAN do it...but you cant do any of it properly. They'll never learn, too much work not enough time....but I know that's how everyone has to work here, it's not just me.'
'That's a fact':whistle:

Later, I'm changing a thermal printer head, you need tiny thin fingers and eyesight like an eagle, neither of which I possess. I'm my struggles to get it to engage, it slipped, fell out of my hand onto the floor and a little lump of the business end chipped off.

:blush::angry:^_^...'oh well....thats £400 down the drain :whistle:'
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