Mum is 86, independent,has reasonable health and is fairly sound of mind...a bit slow to digest things but fairly alert.
Heres what happens when you mix technology in the form of a freeview hdd recorder...and an 86 YO...
Phone rings...
'Colin, sorry to ring you but I can't get anything on the tv'
'What does it say mum'
'A blue screen, it says no signal'
'Ok, you need to turn it to the source button, what does it say'
'Err.........(.many seconds pass)...the box is doing something....errr'
'Mum, are you using the new need to be using the old remote for the source'
' using.....oh.....oh just says....(she tails off then nothing)
'Whatsit say mum'
'Press source mum and tell me what it says in the box that comes on the screen'
'It says......errrr.....(tails off again)
28 minutes of going round and round in circles....god love her


'oooh, thats it, it just came on'
'what did you do mum'
'i just pressed 3 and on it came'
something I tried (unsucessfully onbviously) telling her about 20 minutes earlier

'sorry Col...i know im a nuicance'
'dont worry mum, youll get the hang of It

i came off the phone and said to my wife...'oh gawld, i got a headache now'