Wrong again...
I pointed out that a canteloupe has the same ability to reduce pain as a helmet when banging your head against a wall. The only way you could know this is by banging your head against a wall whilst wearing a canteloupe on your head
The claim it is therefore as good as a cycle helmet for other uses is your misinterpretation.... the stated outcome was to reduce pain Is it as good as a cycle helmet, i have to take your word for it
Pain reduction could also be achieved by strapping a pillow to your head, a large cheese, a small child, a juicy steak or a large rabbit. Again none of these is a cyle helmet, but do achieve the outcome of your experiment again, i will take your word for it
The point is that your "experiment" did not prove anything it proved my head hurts less if i bang it on a wall whilst wearing a helmet.... why not admit it was really a very silly experiment because strapping a piece of steak to your head achieves the same outcome (your words not mine) you consider the original silly? Im trying to get your logic, it all seems fruit based?