Gillet over jacket or jacket over gillet?

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Many waterproofs work in two ways, the first being a water repellent layer where the water forms into drops that disperse.

If you put a layer over this, (Gilet / Hi Viz or other) then the water repellent layer ceases to function which can lead to "wetting out".

Why pay for a waterproof and then prevent it from working?
That depends if it's raining or not .... and how waterproof or breathable your jacket is .....


Jeez - have I stepped into some kind of Woman's Own forum.

Does my bum look big in these short/sky top combo.

FFS, just ride your bike.
I tend to alter to suit.

My choice in the cold is a thermal tshirt, Paramo shirt and Foska jacket, or cover it with a Paramo windproof if really cold.

Deleted member 26715

If that's not an Ironic question ....

... then it's a kinda weatherproof vest, often mesh backed to keep the wind and cold off your chest, often much maligned but hugely flexible.
Thank you, it wasn't ironic at all, being still new at this game there are lots of new things, this actually sounds like what I maybe after, I've been ill for the past month & not got out, but prior to that my last ride, I was perfectly warm after getting going, but despite asking in the LBS for a jacket that was windproof my chest was still cold.

OP sorry not meant as a hi-jack



Proud Daddy
I have 2 jackets. One windstopper shell that's shower proof, and a goretex jacket that 100% waterproof. I also have a gilet. I only use the gilet in spring/autumn usually combined with. SS jersey and arm warmers.

If I'm commuting ill often wear 1 jacket and pack the other (both extremely light and compact) depending on the predicted conditions from AM to PM. If I need a warmer to get me going ill take the shell and take it off when I've got going.

But I'd never wear a gilet over a jacket, that would just tell me I had the wrong jacket.


Who gives a s***? I do it and it works a treat. Allows me to carry 2 very light and readily stowable layers that give good flexibility on variable days.

The OP does. Thought that was the point of this thread....

A gilet isn't really designed to go over a bulky jacket.

Anyway, are we cyclists that fragile that we can't ride out a little change in the weather??

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
The OP does. Thought that was the point of this thread....

A gilet isn't really designed to go over a bulky jacket.

Anyway, are we cyclists that fragile that we can't ride out a little change in the weather??

Well it doesn't really matter what it's designed for it can be used either way round, whatever works, I've do both ways around and it perfectly effective. Others have suggested the same. If it doesn't fit over the jacket then wear it underneath., it's not rocket science and it's certainly not ridiculous..
People's (especially newbies) response to being out in all weathers differs and it's not unusuall to see people get either a chill or extremely cold when out during the winter. Far better to err on the side of being too warm than cold. Every layer helps and it wouldn't be the first time that I've lent an extra layer to a suffering rider.


Active Member
Was out today and top half was warm enough, with my multiple layers, but ouch thighs were cold with normal shorts, fingers and thumbs from non wind proof/ warm gloves and my toes!

Then again I saw a few runners just out in t shirts!!!


Legendary Member
Did you not have any protection on your knees? Might be worth investing in a pair of tights (can get non padded ones to wear over your padded shorts)


Active Member
Nope a total newbie
Spent whole budget and more on bike so accessories and clothing at a minimum
So much I would like but will ave to wait

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Nope a total newbie
Spent whole budget and more on bike so accessories and clothing at a minimum
So much I would like but will ave to wait
Cheap Campri ski gloves for about £3 in Chavsports are great in the cold.
Sandwich bags over your socks help a lot in the cold and wet.
A Black bin liner makes a very good emergency waterproof and weighs nothing!
The wifes wooly tights are extra insulation in the cold :ohmy: .
Scour the sales and the Aldi/Lidl specials
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