Can I just stick my oar in over the whole "ask a female friend" bit? Not all women are automatically genetically programmed with dress sense. I'm not. I wear mostly blue, because I like blue. Sometimes, I branch out and wear a dark red top, because people have said the colour suits me. Left to my own devices, I wouldn't have a clue.
My sister on the other hand, has a very good sense of what looks right, and a briallant talent for making you feel you ought to buy something, and feeling happy when you've bought it. If i ever decided I needed a makeover (unlikely) I'd go to her... I've no doubt, if she wanted to, she could be a consultant of that sort.
I think the main benefits of anything like that are 1) you get some 'quality time' with someone who will generally be telling you how to look good, which is good for your self esteem, if it's low and

you might find there's some shade or colour or style which really suits you, but you wouldn't have thought to try because you're stuck in a rut of what you normally choose.