Getting uploaded photos to show as thumbnails with their location on Strava / VeloViewer maps

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Dolorous Edd

Senior Member

I would like to get my uploaded photos to show as thumbnails with their location on my Strava maps (and via that on VeloViewer), but they are stubbornly refusing to do so,

I believe I have all the correct permissions in place, I upload via the Strava app on my iphone, and when I open the photos themselves they show GPS location data, but it still doesn't seem to be working.

There are some suggestions this is a bug on the Strava side:



Has anybody else experienced the same problem and worked out a solution?



The only way I've ever managed to get my photos on Strava to show up with their correct location on the map is if they are taken with my iPhone (which they usually are to be honest) and then uploaded directly from there to the Strava app. If I copy the photos from my phone to my PC, then upload them to the Strava website, the geotagging does not happen, even though the GPS data is still correctly in the photo properties.

However for the last few months I have noticed that even uploading my photos the "correct" way, I wasn't getting the geotagging happen regardless. I thought that maybe this had something to do with me changing my iPhone recently and I hadn't got a setting correct. The photos definitely still displayed a correct location in my Photos app, but Strava, both the app and the website no longer wanted to know.

Yet I just went on the website now to see my ride yesterday which had three photos and amazingly all of them show up on the map in their correct locations - first time in ages that has happened and I don't believe I've made any changes.


South Wales
Yes, mine show if I use the "Edit Activity" option and click on the + to add them - when it only shows photos taken during the ride.

They don't show if I edit the activity and add them from my computer, and they also don't seem to show if I use the "Add Media" option from the menu in my phone - when it shows all the photos on your phone to select from.

Dolorous Edd

Senior Member
Yes, mine show if I use the "Edit Activity" option and click on the + to add them - when it only shows photos taken during the ride.

They don't show if I edit the activity and add them from my computer, and they also don't seem to show if I use the "Add Media" option from the menu in my phone - when it shows all the photos on your phone to select from.

Brilliant - the "Edit Activity" approach works!
I was using the "Add Media" approach and that didn't work.

Thank you both
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