Getting shouted at

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Well-Known Member
One very different version of being shouted at was Tour de Yorkshire, intermediate sprint uphill between Farmer Copleys and the Old Barracks heading towards Pontefract, there’s a wedding venue there and was cheered on up that hill by the Bride & Groom along with the guests, like I was in the race, stood up on the drops like Pantani, even got a PB on there, got to the top and promptly hung over the bike in a crumpled heap heaving for breath!

Better to be cheered through a case of mistaken identity than never to be cheered at all.


The irony of one shout from a vehicle. I had given up trying to get up a steep hill and restorted to shanks's pony only to get a shout of thats lazy from some fat yob in the back seat of a passing car, um.. who is being lazy?
Put me in charge - I'll sort it within a week.

And I'd have to, because I'd be shot and hung by my heels by angry motorists in week two.

Can you start with the house next to the grandkids???

It is only a small 3 bedroom semi - but they seem to need 6 or 7 different cars - several Porsches (older - not new)
Off topic but I forgot our wedding anniversary this year. The good news is that so did my wife. She nipped round for coffee with her friend down the road. Her friend is super organised and remembers everything so she returned with a card.

I always remember our - but my wife has so far managed it once - much to my surprise!!!

This year I started to wonder, in about July, whether or not I had remembered
I could remember getting a card and a present but I wasn;t sure if that was this year or last year

after a week or so of wondering I asked her
she reckons I remembered but, as usual, she didn't - but I'm not sure she would have noticed!!!

anyway - I reckon that if I forget I currently have about 7 or 8 years or grace before I get into trouble
(not sure how that will go!!!!)


Legendary Member
I shouted at a cyclist the other day. I was crossing on a Zebra Crossing. 3/4 way across a middle aged cyclist whizzed between me and pavement.

I verbally remonstrated about his needing to stop for pedestrians on a crossing. He shouted back, telling me to fark Off.


Legendary Member
Sounds to me like he threatened to shank you and his hand moved towards his pocket so you were forced to defend yourself, eh, officer?
Was minding my own business on a ride when someone rolled down their window and shouted at me just as they were passing. It wasn't anything intelligible. They were so loud it almost felt like getting struck, and gave me a wobble. Fortunately no damage done, but FGS, why do people do this???

I put those types in the category of barking dogs, and ignore them.


Legendary Member
The irony of one shout from a vehicle. I had given up trying to get up a steep hill and restorted to shanks's pony only to get a shout of thats lazy from some fat yob in the back seat of a passing car, um.. who is being lazy?
Riding slowly up Market Hill in Maldon a driver yelled at me "Get off and push it!".
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