Getting shouted at

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Was minding my own business on a ride when someone rolled down their window and shouted at me just as they were passing. It wasn't anything intelligible. They were so loud it almost felt like getting struck, and gave me a wobble. Fortunately no damage done, but FGS, why do people do this???

Sense of self entitlement and ignorance.
A lot of cars drivers think that bikes have no right to be on the road because they pay no "road tax".
Also people think they can behave really badly if they can get away with it. No way would that person have been shouting and carrying on at work etc.


It's simple snobbery, bikes are for poor people, if you can afford a car, you're rich. Therefore, they are superior to you and it's therefore OK to treat you with distain. Or that's how their brains seem to work, some people haven't evolved any further than the monkey troop.


Have experienced a few shouts, particularly during the week before Christmas.

Also had a car pass me during a "10", when they decided to give their wind screen a wash and wipe.


self serving virtue signaller
Was minding my own business on a ride when someone rolled down their window and shouted at me just as they were passing. It wasn't anything intelligible. They were so loud it almost felt like getting struck, and gave me a wobble. Fortunately no damage done, but FGS, why do people do this???

They are insecure bullies with no sense of self worth.

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The particular reason why is often hard to guess. Even so, if you can imagine the incident figuring in a list of grounds for divorce in a married couple, it gives some inkling of the sort of mind-set in question. Following on from that, when I have the presence of mind to call the hearty reply 'I love you just the same', I note that this often has a salutory effect ranging from severe blushing to temporary loss of control. Remember too, that all the decent drivers are committing acts of random kindness for which we can all be thankful.
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