getting motivation to ride?

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jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Ive just started to cycle to work after previously only riding around the block, my brother who broke his leg has given me his old hybrid which im finding nicer to ride than the crappy argos mountain bike i was riding before, its only 5 miles to work and its not that hard of a ride, im finding it hard to get motivation to ride though, i ended up getting the bus today and wasted £8 in the process.... any tips for getting motivated?

as others have said...

works for me.


jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Do they do strava for the old blackberrys? :whistle:
You dont need it on your phone. Just download a GPS recording app for your rasberry, then link that to Strava, or upload the file directly ad a TCX or GPX.

its how I started,.

After a while I moved on to recording with a Garmin as the length of some rides flattened my phone batteries


Proffesional Biskit Eater Upper
The Biscuit Tin
Get your lazy bum on that bike! ^_^
At your age I used to walk 20 miles to work a 15 hour shift, then go clubbing all night, start again next day*

*maybe slightly exaggerating here, but you get the gist ^_^
Haha yeah, im out of shape hence starting cycling, ive been doing 12 hour shifts 5-6 days a week for the last 6 months. I used to have the luxury of borrowing mums car to go to work but she stopped me driving it after a lampost jumped put of nowhere and hit me in a car park :wacko: :laugh:

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I'd love a 5 mile cycle to work!

I'm either 15 or 20 each way
Do you get lost a lot?


London, UK
I never said this in fear that the safety police will get me. Make a pumping playlist and listen to music while you cycle. I find music is a great motivator but be careful.


Proffesional Biskit Eater Upper
The Biscuit Tin
The bus isnt so bad really..... unless theres school kids on it, then i really hate it.

Find interesting places to visit on the way home, even if just for a few minutes. Bonus points if driving or parking a car there would suck.

Hmm might try that...
I never said this in fear that the safety police will get me. Make a pumping playlist and listen to music while you cycle. I find music is a great motivator but be careful.
I do ride with the one earphone in usually, ill try changing the playlist a little.
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