Getting "Fast"?

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jimboalee said:

I notice you stopped there and didn't write the third line of the chorus.


I'll let the guy feel the love!:ohmy:
I have to agree, that that certain inate ability to be quick or fleet footed or doing tricks with a snowboard or with a ball comes from an early age...
mind you are there not certain other areas of cycling that can be nurtured to get to the 'top of the tree' such as downhilling.. where a certain amount of lunacy suffices...?:smile:


Senior Member
Randochap said:
Actually, it is. It'll get you labelled as a "Fred."

thanks for taking the time to speak for every cyclist.

Wear what you like, I wear club kit or my high road top, who cares?


Senior hunter
a_n_t said:
thanks for taking the time to speak for every cyclist.

Where in my post did I say "every cyclist" will ....?

But the fact remains that dressing up in pro kit screams "newb". There are plenty of very stylish strips available, outside of the corporate designs.

But yeah, I for one couldn't care less what you wear.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty slow myself and am constantly being overtaken by most of the other people comuting to my workplace. They all have all the lycra gear and bikes that weigh 2g whereas my Dawes weighs about 2 tonne


Velo, boulot, dodo
montage said:
I aim for a 20mph average no matter what ride I do

Try doing some short efforts (10-20 minutes) faster than this and doing the rest of your riding at an easier pace without getting hung up on your averages. Should bring on the speed a bit more effectively.

See if your local library has any books on training for cycling, if you find one that seems good you can buy it later.

Oops! thought that post was by the OP. Not teaching you to suck eggs or anything..


God Almighty
palinurus said:
Try doing some short efforts (10-20 minutes) faster than this and doing the rest of your riding at an easier pace without getting hung up on your averages. Should bring on the speed a bit more effectively.

See if your local library has any books on training for cycling, if you find one that seems good you can buy it later.

good plan ;)
Aslong as the easier pace is 20mph XD


New Member
Beside the road
montage said:
To the opening post, I began cycling just before new years and am also 18 years old.
100 miles a weekend is roughly what I do aswell, and the distance is fine. I try to get out on my bike during the week but the january exams have other ideas, so it wont be long until I am out almost every day.
I aim for a 20mph average no matter what ride I do, and if I see my speedo drop below 20 a piece of me dies inside. Luckily base fitness before I began was pretty decent, as I have been into long distance running for quite some time - though various injuries have held me back (joys of shin splints..).

Best way to train is with others, and when they say "are you sure you can keep up?" just go for it...even if this does mean you are in a pool of vomit, halfway up that bastard hill 40 miles into the ride.

Wish you best of luck. It would be nice to see how you are doing every now and again as you are in a similar situation to me ;)

Get ready to die alot. We don't average 20mph on most club runs; and thats with several cat 2 riders taking turns to keep the pace of the group high! Solo, this sort of pace would be even harder to achieve.

If you look at the time for most sportive events then you'll soon realise that on the hillier routes nobody averages this sort of pace. Even on the flatter routes only the top few riders are that quick.


New Member
Right, I've decided I want to try and get a 3rd cat. license. Generally how fit would I need to get in order to get the points needed? Is the races split into age catergories? Is it top 15 overall, or top 15 in your catergory?


Velo, boulot, dodo
RedBike said:
Solo, this sort of pace would be even harder to achieve.

I can only average above 20 mph on flattish/ slightly rolling A-roads or good B-roads. Soon as I take to the lanes I'm down around 16 mph.
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