Being an old fart nudging 60, I often get accused of being out of touch with modern know...for the 'yoof' of now. But it seems to me that technology like auto-tune has allowed, shall we say, fairly mediocre talent to rise to the top. Back in the day, they'd maybe have an album out and then fade to obscurity. And we've had 10001 formula boy/girl bands put together by middle-aged blokes via 'talent' shows in which the populist vote always favours similar sounding acts who look pretty/handsome & harmonise while doing the same cheesy dance routines. Plus, just whats this with nasal whining whilst attempting to engage in oral sex with the microphone?.
So I find it quite amusing that some other even older farts from the 70' their 70's...Abba...come back out of the blue with songs that wash the decks with modern talent. I like to watch 'reaction videos' to old music on YT (yes...some of them are fake) and it's heartwarming to see today's youth discover bands like Queen and they can't quite believe in Freddy's vocal range. No auto-tune then kids, its called singing
