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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Yes but not large ones, they are long gently sloping type business things, except near the river & with the weight pushing behind me I walk down that hill as I do not wish to whoosh out the end of the cobbled one way system down the slip way into the sea

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
When? when? what is this when business you speak of?

Oh I did laugh & laugh

It's not ever never not never not know how going to happen for me, ever at all - nope!
Neither do I have to worry about it :laugh:
35mph .... should I ever get near that speed I would faint of fright :laugh:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Yes but not large ones, they are long gently sloping type business things, except near the river & with the weight pushing behind me I walk down that hill as I do not wish to whoosh out the end of the cobbled one way system down the slip way into the sea
Same here: rarely I need to walk uphill, often I walk the bike downhill :laugh:


I am scared of downhill!!! :ph34r:
Me too! I go downhill very gingerly. I once went really fast down hill and my bike started to go a bit wobbly underneath me, so I've been more carefull since then. That was about 12 years ago.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Me too! I go downhill very gingerly. I once went really fast down hill and my bike started to go a bit wobbly underneath me, so I've been more carefull since then. That was about 12 years ago.
Well, I discovered that whatsitcalled "drum brakes"(?) are much better than v-brakes, still would not like to push my luck down a steep hill.
Who's running after us anyway? :wacko:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Not sure: Mrs. Doubtfire has, I think, 'cause it's not v or calyper, neither are they disk. Must be drum! Or hub!
Need to ask bike mechanic.
Yes, according to the spec you have Sturmey Archer 70mm drum brakes. It's interesting that you find them better than v-brakes. I wouldn't mind some for the knockabout bike as I ruined a new wheel rim last winter with all the grit and mud getting on the braking surfaces..

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Yes, according to the spec you have Sturmey Archer 70mm drum brakes. It's interesting that you find them better than v-brakes. I wouldn't mind some for the knockabout bike as I ruined a new wheel rim last winter with all the grit and mud getting on the braking surfaces..
Oh yeah, much better, rim does not need cleaning, well, only for cosmetic reasons, not mechanical ones.
That's why I got Mrs. Doubtfire, so that in the winter, fitted with my ice spikers, I won't have to worry about bike cleaning between 14 hour shifts.


Not sure: Mrs. Doubtfire has, I think, 'cause it's not v or calyper, neither are they disk. Must be drum! Or hub!
Need to ask bike mechanic.

Mr_H has taken umbridge to my current bike buying plan as it has standard side pull brakes - he hates them with a vengence - it may have caused a teeny argument the other night!
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