@Puddles Phil is right about the weight and the gearing.
I have recently acquired the bike you see in my avatar, it's a pretty bike, single speed (no gears), very heavy. A poser's bike

You can wear a skirt riding it, never needs cleaned or lubed, hardly any maintenance necessary due to the hub brakes and full chain guard.
Although I made sure I could manage my daily work/town commute before buying it, I don't think I could tow a loaded shopping trailer up a hill with this bike.
I too tend to use just one or 2 gears on my 5 speed bike (much lighter) or maybe 6 on my 21 speed (quite heavy bike) but this one really makes the legs work!
For the kind of riding you do, you are better off with a basic hybrid imo.
Of course you could have 2 bikes, one for posing, one for heavy duty
Points to consider if you go for dutch style:
you might have to walk some hills
changing the back wheel in case of a puncture is a bit more fiddly with hub gears, get the bike mechanic to show you, even better, do it once with him checking over you
check if the back wheel can take a trailer hitch: mine doesn't, at least not the hitch I'm using on the hybrid.
the very upright position is hard work with a headwind
the curved handlebars feel a bit cramped, I'm getting sore elbows after a week of riding my
paper bike.
Good luck!