Garmin Edge - Which One?

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I'm currently using a Garmin Forerunner 410 I have from running but as that only records points every 6 seconds, I am also using the Strava app on my iPhone. I am tied in with Garmin Connect for all my running data and so I would like to still use that, but with the 6 seconds, the mapped route is quite interesting and short. I could load it from Strava, but then I would lose the heart rate data.

So I have been looking at the 500/510 and 800/810 but not sure which one to go for. Firstly, as I would be new to the models, should I get the latest version, i.e. 510 or 810, or would I not notice having an old version? Also, I quite like the idea of having the maps as I would like to try different routes but I would like to not get lost (as I did running once), however, there is a cost difference.

I'm just after peoples opinions really on the above or if there are other options that I can use with Garmin Connect.
Apparently the "10" models contain quite a few bugs (I don't have one - just based on comments I've seen on here) so it becomes a choice of maps (800) or no maps (500). Personally I have the 800 and wouldn't be without it - especially when I just go out for an "exploration ride" and want to get home! ^_^


Cost and size consideration. The 500 is more of a racer tool, it's a lot smaller/lighter.


I've read about the '10' models having bugs as well but also that they have started to iron them out.

I don't think I can justfiy the cost of an 810, so I'm thinking of either the 510 or 800. The reason for saying the 800 is that it's close to the price of the 510 and so I would get the navigation but the only major thing I would miss out on is the live tracking. To be honest, am I ever going to use the live tracking, probably not.

So would the 800 be worth it even though it's an old model over the 510?

Would this be any good even though it's refurbished? -


Fleet, Hants
Amazon are doing the Edge 800 Performance Bundle for £269 which includes the speed/cadence sensor and also the Garmin heart rate strap. I bought this bundle from Amazon a few weeks ago and put the OSM maps on it, I would thoroughly recommend it. Being able to plan a tricky route and then just get directed on it in open countryside has been brilliant. A friend has the Edge 500 and i can 'sense' that he is a bit miffed that he didn't get the 800 now that he can see what it does!


dmoran was going to cost me a bit of money and then DooDah comes up with a good point :smile:

I'm thinking the following options:

Cheapest - 500 which is £198
Keep up to date - 510 which is £260
Luxury - 800 which is £270

Maps would be helpful but once you've learnt somewhere do you need them. After that, 500 or 510? If I had the 500 I probably won't get the 510 after reading reviews, but as I have neither, is the 510 worth it? But then, is maps on an older model worth £10 more :scratch:
IMHO go for the 500, the 510 does not have good reviews. I have the 500 with cadence and HRM, I use cadence all the time but not the HRM. Also, I am not sure, but if you go for the 800 or 810, I think you then have to buy the maps as well.


In between here and there
Depends my 705 paid for itself with two holidays in France, amazing how quickly you can lose your bearings in unfamiliar areas. The 800 is even closer to car Sat Nav and has dug me out a hole once where I got lost. Well worth the £72 imo.
As LOCO says, I guess it depends on what sort of riding you are going to do. If you are cycling from home and back again most often (like me) then I would buy the 500. If you are planning overseas trips or away from home then maybe maps would be useful (i.e. the 800).


dmoran was going to cost me a bit of money and then DooDah comes up with a good point :smile:

I'm thinking the following options:

Cheapest - 500 which is £198
Keep up to date - 510 which is £260
Luxury - 800 which is £270

Maps would be helpful but once you've learnt somewhere do you need them. After that, 500 or 510? If I had the 500 I probably won't get the 510 after reading reviews, but as I have neither, is the 510 worth it? But then, is maps on an older model worth £10 more :scratch:

You can pick up an 800 on eBay for circa £200-£220 if you're patient.
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