I think I picked the wrong bundle too, as I got the Ordnance Survey maps and the City Navigator would have suited me better.
This is what i found.The OS maps will have all the roads you will ever need, and all of the off roading you can find ! Only having the OS maps myself, what does the city navigator give you ?
OMG im such a pleb at times i honestly didnt think a micro sd was so small, i should have actually thought about it.
Dickyknees, is that an arthroscopy op i see in your pic.
The OS maps will have all the roads you will ever need, and all of the off roading you can find ! Only having the OS maps myself, what does the city navigator give you ?
When I zoom in on something with the OS map it becomes so pixelated it's difficult to make anything out – I assumed the graphics would be vector based. I'm going to do much, much more on road than off, so don't need all the detail of an OS map, I do need simple turn by turn directions and a big button that says "get me home" :-) – I'd come across the comparison Andy_G has linked to and think the more 'car like' maps of the city navigator would be easier for me to follow.
I realise it's my own fault for picking the wrong bundle. I don't drive a car, but got a Tom Tom out of the box and could work out how to use it immediately and kind of assumed the 800 would be similar.
Perhaps I'm just having a senior moment or two, but I don't have a problem with computers or cameras, just Garmin Edge 800s Still, if I get it worked out the thought of not getting lost on rides is very appealing (I have got a s*** sense of direction).
Wow I can't believe the difference ! ! Maybe I went for the wrong option too . Having lived with the OS maps for 2 years I guess I've just got used to them, either that or my sight has got worse and thats why they appear clear ! Is it an easy job converting over ?