Garmin Connect Down - And made me think...

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East Sussex
I'm guessing that Garmin are doing their damndest not to pay it.

Issue with paying is you set a dangerous precedent.

Then again you weigh that against lost business and consumer confidence, from what I heard it’s there air industry services that are affected as well


Are you? I didn't know it was illegal to pay a ransom. I'm sure other companies have done it in the past

It's complicated. But the US Government indicted 'Evil Corp' (the hacking collective strongly suspected of being behind the attack on Garmin). If Garmin pay the ransom, they're going to find themselves in hot water.


Über Member
It's complicated. But the US Government indicted 'Evil Corp' (the hacking collective strongly suspected of being behind the attack on Garmin). If Garmin pay the ransom, they're going to find themselves in hot water.
As a Swiss company are they subject to US Federal law though?


As a Swiss company are they subject to US Federal law though?
They are if they have offices in the US [they do]
I didn't realise just how much I depend on it. I had to force myself out this morning as I knew I wouldn't be able to assess the ride when I got back. Yet we all survived and rode prior to these things, didn't we?
i assume colne was still there when you got back - where you left it.


Über Member
They are if they have offices in the US [they do]
Isn't it about where you are incorporated though? Many companies have offices in the US but I thought the reason they incorporated elsewhere was to escape US law. Not arguing just curious


Isn't it about where you are incorporated though? Many companies have offices in the US but I thought the reason they incorporated elsewhere was to escape US law. Not arguing just curious
US have long tentacles. They would apply sanctions to the US office and basically make life hell for them if they don’t comply. Garmin could then close their US office, at cost.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
As a Swiss company are they subject to US Federal law though?
Head office is in the US, and it's listed on NASDAQ. There might be a Swiss ultimate parent, but the main operating company looks like a US Inc. As anyone who's used the automatic coach setup (excellent, by the way) will tell you the default assumption is that customers are in the US.

I think it's subject to US law.


Legendary Member
There was a piece I read yesterday that gave some more details

With this bit in relation to potentially breaking US sanctions if they paid the ransom

Evil Corp's WastedLocker ransomware
Evil Corp (aka the Dridex gang) is a Russian-based cybercriminal group active since at least 2007 known to be the ones behind Dridex malware and for using ransomware as part of their attacks including Locky ransomware and their own ransomware strain known as BitPaymer.

The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned evil Corp gang in December 2019 after being charged for using Dridex to cause more than $100 million in financial damages.

Due to this, it is a tricky situation for Garmin if they want to pay the ransom as they would potentially be violating United States sanctions.
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