Game: Name that road!

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Senior Member
The object of this game is to identify where a photograph was taken. It should be taken on a public road which you have ridden in the UK, or somewhere very interesting that you would like to ride one day. (It's not that I don't like seeing photos from round the world but we really don't stand much chance of identifying (for example) a dirt road to a small temple in Vietnam!)

Just reminding myself of the rules. Couldn't find a dirt road to a temple in Vietnam. Have been there for a small wedding of 900 people (they like weddings).

This is a NCR

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Senior Member
Somewhere near the sea?

You can see the sea to the right of the pic. Made a great landing spot many, many years ago.

Is that big building in the distance a nuclear power station? :unsure:

No but there is one about 40 miles along the coast.

Judging by the direction of the shadows, I'd say it's south of Peterborough :scratch:



Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Southern coastal nuclear power stations: Sizewell isn't very South of Peterborough. That leaves Dungeness and Hinckley Point. Been to Hinckley Point recently, and it's very undulating all around there, and this looks very flat.


Senior Member
Sluice Lane east of Pevensey... about here

You were correct about Pevensey (Levels). It's quite flat and the first pic uploaded was further along the road. I changed it to somewhere with a few identifying marks to aid identification. It's a popular route during the summer with the tourists or those doing the whole route from Dover to Exeter.

The sea view is Normans Bay where they (Normans) were supposed to have landed but so to did the Romans. Along this section of the coast are Martello Towers which may be the larger building.

Over to you @MontyVeda
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