Game: Name that road!

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Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)

Would have got that in an instant if I had spotted it early enough. Stayed just up the road from here after I had finished Coast-to-Coast.
Lumber Hill, just behind you, is fun.


Legendary Member
Lumber Hill, just behind you, is fun.

Limber. Quite a sting in the tail if doing coast to coast in a day which finishes in Whitby. I believe its about 33% on the bottom corner


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Limber. Quite a sting in the tail if doing coast to coast in a day which finishes in Whitby. I believe its about 33% on the bottom corner

It was indeed. But also my proudest moment as I had to stop part way up (someone in the way) and managed to get going again. OK, it was on my third attempt, but success is success.


Putrid Donut


Legendary Member,-4.4657141,3a,75y,52.87h,75.16t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1st83DB5Mgsb8GG7tCdU9NiQ!2e0!6s!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i37?hl=en-GB

ah its not a canal in south of england nor a welsh munroe. Bladnoch distillery, which i assume is most southerly in scotland then?

and must be 2 southerly Munroes. @ColinJ threw me off the scent with his Nuttals, so i was looking at the welsh equivalent for a while yesterday
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Putrid Donut
Actually @ColinJ was very, very warm with Nuttall. The summit in the picture is Cairnsmore of Fleet, which is the most southerly Graham, which is what Scottish Nuttalls seem to be called, and is therefore Scotland's most southerly mountain according to the usually accepted definition.

Bladnoch is indeed the most southerly scotch distillery.

A beautiful area to cycle in, it goes without saying.

Over to @T4tomo.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Actually @ColinJ was very, very warm with Nuttall. The summit in the picture is Cairnsmore of Fleet, which is the most southerly Graham, which is what Scottish Nuttalls seem to be called, and is therefore Scotland's most southerly mountain according to the usually accepted definition.

Bladnoch is indeed the most southerly scotch distillery.

A beautiful area to cycle in, it goes without saying.

Over to @T4tomo.

Aaaargh - I scoured the OS maps of Devon for hours before reluctantly deciding that it was probably right idea, wrong place!
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