I agree money must be earnt by selling goods/services and simply printing money or borrowing money is not a long term option. Who wouldn't?
However, for goods to be exported they must be produced. This takes a workforce. They need educating to various levels. When they get sick they need healing. The goods must be stored and transported with little risk of theft. Transport must take place on roads/trains (again by people who need education and skills), to ports/airports with people in place to ensure safe and effective operation, etc, etc.
I think rather than the private sector supporting state workers you will find a lot of non production workers are supporting the goods producers be they private or state run. The two cannot exist without each other though and it's about getting the balance right at the of the day.
Nearly all the training in my business is vocational training done on site. It is too specialist for colleges, and machine specific training comes from the machine suppliers
Agree that education is important, but state education doesn't give very good VFM, and seems to have lost its way being turned into a business for producing certificates than people who are useful in commerce and industry. That is why experience carries more clout than qualifications, and employers recognise this as so.