Froome latest .

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Über Member
He doesn’t finish ahead of the minimum time limit

I can’t see that there is one but if iirc he did it in around 48 hours in 2013


Über Member
Because, as you now admit, you were exaggerratting, and there was no reason to DQ him.
Have I got this right?

(It's funny, because I think a Brit has finished in 62h. But anyway ... )

Not quite. I just don’t know what the minimum limit is for LEL. I still have a sneaking suspicion that he was given special dispensation


Über Member
Step 1: do you know the official distance?



Kilometre nibbler
Some time ago I manned a control about 150k or thereabouts into a 400. I was astonished at how early the first wave came in. My fellow controller and I were newbies at the controlling game and they quite caught us by surprise. After they'd gone we did some sums and figured out that they were pretty much bang on schedule for the minimum allowed time. We had quite a while to wait after the initial fast wave until the main body of the event started arriving.

Not that I actually know what this has to do with Chris Froome, I've lost track.
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