Having built up three MTBs over the last few years from a bare frame, I spent a fair bit of time deciding what drive train to use.
My thoughts were:
34 front and 10+ speed 11-50 rear would give a perfect sites of gears (for off-road at least, you'd be under geared at time on the road). Looked at the price of this and nearly sprayed my tea all over my laptop. When I've used (cheaper) shorter ratio 11-36 cassettes on a 1x drive train I've really struggled up the steep hills.
I really don't like the big jump between front rings, and always seem to end up cross chained using a double.
A traditional 42/32/24 triple with 8 speed 11-32 cassette gives the same range as the expensive 1x option for around 10% of the price (plus in my experience the parts last longer too).
Operation is honestly no more complex/hassle than a 1x drive train.
It's true FDs do occasionally get clogged with mud so you can't downshift to the granny ring. This has probably happened to me about five times in as many years riding, takes about 30s to clear with a stick.
Upshifting to the big ring before a descent adds chain tension in the rear mech that's almost as good as a clutch mech & narrow wide chain ring for avoiding dropped chains.
So I'm running 3x8 on all of my MTBs and wouldn't go back to 1x given the choice.