Just a couple of points.
Firstly all the training / development appears to be aimed at yourself, are we assuming your wife is physically fit and getting to a point where she can comfortably achieve this journey will be easier for her?
Secondly although 80 miles in a day will be regularly completed by many a cyclist on here, to do it four days in a row after such a short cycling career I think will take its toll on you and the ride may become a chore rather than an adventure by day four.
Thirdly although riding with someone can help the miles go quicker and you can support each other if you are at two totally different levels it can be very frustrating for the better cyclist and very knackering for the one trying to keep up.
Not putting a downer on your trip just introducing a bit of realism.
Good luck with it.
Thank you for the reply, this post is more so about my personal journey but I completely understand what your saying.
I posted a thread not so long ago explaining that my wife was struggling a bit, more so to get out on her bike due to work commitments and the dark mornings / nights. I have found since I have been out and about more I am a little stronger than her cycling atm, she has planned to do a lot more indoor and gym work the next couple of months with weekend rides and I plan to fit it more outdoor work, as not as keen as the gym stuff ( she has a sports science degree so knows what she is doing, or so she says

I have thought about the chore side of things and after advice of this forum we plan to do a long ride two days in a row, I think the Hadrian way cycle route could be a good one, its around 88 miles go west one day, stay over night, then come home the next, thinking about that in March, see how we get on.
If closer to the time it ends up I am the stronger cyclist for any reason, I would carry the luggage on my bike, which would hopefully even things out.
Fascinating thread, good luck chrismisterx. Do you know what tyres the Trek 520s come with?
Not Sure to be honest, my LBS is making the cycle run tubeless and said he might have to replace the tires with some that can handle being tubeless, so until the bike is ready I won't know. Also thinking about replacing the saddle for a brooks one, as i heard they are super comfortable, I was going to change the peddles also but not 100% sure atm.
This is a good book
The author speaks of daily distances of 45-100 miles considering all factors.
Thank you for this link, looks a fantastic book, so have ordered it!