Please, please, please stop. We love you dearly, Teef

, but some of us have work to do.
Stop? Sure, Charlie. Actually, I did have a pic of you and Lady your formative years
...and the only thing that can't stop is...the Final Countdown - 2
And, given that this is my favourite Thunderbird - the most useful, workaday item, today's post has to be worthy of it. On the FNRttC, we keep an all-night Virgil, just in case something crops up, of interest. Maybe on Saturday morning there may be more than just a 'funbird' in Brentwood - who knows? Thunderbird 2 has legs. The Night Rides have Leggs. Even this post has got legs now, as there is a leggitimate reason to warble wistfully of days of yore...
Simon. The Jeff Tracy of FNRttC - overseeing all that needs to be understood.
He had a birthday gig onetime.
Some people turned up for a ride. Greg Collins did tone of the most useful things known on this forum - he played bartender with chilled Prosecco. Rich P and Terry did the other good thing and brought me a proper glass to drink from, which meant that, all in, it was an incredibly short journey from the top of Ditchling Beacon to Greg's and more recovery. Frank even stole Rich's finest crystal - "to save him the washing up" was his excuse!
Anyway, pics of another memorable moment.
Such was the love for Simon that folk were trying to draw hearts everywhere! This one was a 'selfie', using the road as a pencil. Extra grog necessary to take away the sting!
Simon got asked the usual daft questions...
...and found that the writing was not on the wall,after all.
It was lucky that people knew how to hold their drink...
...some more than others!
Even threepintsmcginty was present - such was the specific gravity of the situation at hand...
"What on earth is all this about?" he said....
Simon had done his usual magisterial ascent to the top, after being unreasonably delayed by fake punctures and pretend stragglers...but by that time we didn't care, hic!
There were a few or so waiting atop DB
So, Fast forward to the Madeira Café and Greg was quick to point out what a rock Simon is. Often gregarious, he's taken to waxing it now. Simon needed steadying, such was the sugar rush, even from holding it in one hand!
And so the celebrations began (again) and Claudine looked like she was flagging a bit and needed water...
But don't be fooled! The view from the other side gave a truer picture, with Adrian and Des exchanging Italian motoring gestures. I'll not mention Adrian's shirt as it speaks for itself. It should do, covered in farking parrots.
There was a casto thousands there...riches galore.
The older guy was content.
And, Charlie, this is only part one of today's posting. even I have to do some work, so take a deep breast and wait for part deux.* (There may be spelling mistaques, sorry.)
End of Part 1