To all those calling for muzzles, compulsory leads, licencing and lord knows what else might car to reflect on the comparison to the gammon faced Daily Heil readers who call for all sortsnof compulsory training, licensing, insurance that cyclists should have each time one of our number jump a red light
I have never even owned a dog, but any clamp down will be at the expense of law abiding sensible owners of perfectly OK dogs, as the owners of nasty uncontrolled dogs will continue to not give a fark. Happy dogs running free in the park are overall "a good thing" and even when no especially obedient are rarely more than a mild nuisance.
All that said, can anyone explain why dog owners are supposed to hang bags of dog pooh in trees?
The 2 mantras that I hear so often
- Guns don't kill, people kill ( US centric)
- There are no bad dogs, just bad owners
Note the similarity in supposed logic. Note the how close the brain freeze applies in both of them. Note both do not address any issues other the person thinking that it is witty and smart.
The issue is how can we stop a baby seal being mauled or how do you stop deers being chased at Richmond and to avoid a stampede that might take lives. How can kids and adults walk in peace.
Don't focus on the dog alone. You need to address both the dog and the owner. You can't separate the 2.
We need a balanced and reasonable outcome. Short leash on all public places except at designated locations is one option that is least costly. There might be other ways. The second is to impose a fine which is % of one income when one can't control their dog on a leash or off leash.
Costly licensing, mandatory training of owners and dogs are also not reasonable options. Dog ownership is such a pleasure especially for a young kid and for those who live alone. Don't make it hard for them in getting a pet. We should encourage it and not discourage it.
Sitting on your hands and talking about how well my dog is trained is not contributing to the discussion.