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I hope some of you managed to get one as they have gone out of stock again

Still showing as available at Putney Rd, Leicester.


Really only useful for cars and other larger objects - doesn't go down to the 5Nm we need for seatpost torque ... :sad:
[Cross-posted with @tincaman ]

Its an excellent torque wrench and an absolute bargain so snap one up, I've had one for years, ideal for bottom brackets and also removal and fitting of cassettes. I'd be lost without one. As far as I know, no torque wrench on its own will do every job on a bike so it is essential to have a small and a large one, this one covers the larger jobs.

And appologies to the Mod's, for breaking the forum's rules, this forum is for posting about bargains, not discussing them etc


Active Member
Its an excellent torque wrench and an absolute bargain so snap one up, I've had one for years, ideal for bottom brackets and also removal and fitting of cassettes. I'd be lost without one. As far as I know, no torque wrench on its own will do every job on a bike so it is essential to have a small and a large one, this one covers the larger jobs.

And appologies to the Mod's, for breaking the forum's rules, this forum is for posting about bargains, not discussing them etc

It's useful though isn't it - actual user reviews? I find it helpful. More helpful than in stock / out of stock tennis anyway!

With Halfords I wouldn't believe whatever they say in regards to stock - a 50/50 gamble usually a 80/20 when there's a bargain to be had.

I know a bit too much about bike lights now having bought and wasted money on many. I realise that the Knog referenced has USB charging but IMO - so what?!!

The fixing is the problem.

It may only take "30" seconds to attach a light with the cheap rubber straps that Knog lights used to avoid thieves nicking them in the dry & warm.

I expect it takes a lot longer with gloves on in the cold and wet. Also as is the nature with rubber - it stretches and perishes over time. My pants confirm this.

My Smart rear lights take 1 second to remove & the same to refit. I have most of their rear light range and their permanent bracket fittings are universal - although be warned that they use very cheap stainless steel screws - easily remedied for under £2 with some non rusting screws or M5 bolts from Ebay.

I recommend the Smart R1 - 1 Watt rear light that uses AAA batteries. It can be picked up here for £11.94 from Ebay but I have never paid more than a tenner

I wasn't really looking.

I prefer this to my Smart R2, R2 USB and Smart 1/2 Watt's because it includes both flashing & constant mode at once - something that seems to bug many drivers who can't seem to determine the distance of a flashing light in front of them.

Please see the comments here for a laugh -

Just like here and completely non ironically by a clinically obese guy called Heffer - judging by his photo -

I read both websites - cos they are free - and come to my own conclusions. The comments sections are the most telling and where the nutters come out.

I fully understand that my lengthy post on here puts me in that category. Although I think I have probably helped a few users save a good few quid.

Cyclists and "bike riders" wind me up. But not to the extent of some commentators on newspaper websites. As you can probably tell I am bit of a light fascist. Use at least something when it's dark or overcast. They're so cheap nowadays there really is no excuse.

But if you don't I really hope you get a Darwin Award -

This wasn't aimed at users of this site as I realise you are mostly sensible - and I apologise to the mods for wittering on perhaps completely off tangent or off topic.

Saw too much crack at the weekend.

Definitely the weather for bibs now!

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
I seem to recall there was a thread about useless things people had bought. I found that especially useful but I've forgotten where it is.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Thanks, just run out of those, bargain indeed!
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