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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Sent a Strava follow request @Big_Dave and @cyberknight. You're both reasonably near so when I start cycling further I can steal your routes. :thumbsup:
You can do a ride for me today , hissing it down and i am having a fettle morning while the wife + kids are out .So far..........
Installed new mech hanger on commuter
Reindexed gears on commuter
Installed new chain on the nice bike
Changed stem on nice bike
Added some new stickers on nice bike to hide some chips in the paint
Weighed both bikes just for fun
Having a cuppa before i tidy up or i will get told off when swmbo sees bikes in the house :gun:

Bit of a slow week for me , took 3 days off work so no commuting and ended up doing jobs round the house rather than riding .


You can do a ride for me today , hissing it down and i am having a fettle morning while the wife + kids are out .So far..........
Installed new mech hanger on commuter
Reindexed gears on commuter
Installed new chain on the nice bike
Changed stem on nice bike
Added some new stickers on nice bike to hide some chips in the paint
Weighed both bikes just for fun
Having a cuppa before i tidy up or i will get told off when swmbo sees bikes in the house :gun:

Bit of a slow week for me , took 3 days off work so no commuting and ended up doing jobs round the house rather than riding .

I took a look out the window this morning at about 7, sunrise was casting that nice red glow but the wind sounded fierce and then ten minutes later it had all disappeared into grey and it poured, so the fair weather cyclist in me decided no cycle route stealing today!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I took a look out the window this morning at about 7, sunrise was casting that nice red glow but the wind sounded fierce and then ten minutes later it had all disappeared into grey and it poured, so the fair weather cyclist in me decided no cycle route stealing today!
I wimped out of commuting home at 3 am , took the car to work at that well known car factory as the weather man said it was gonna pee it down for the home commute and guess what ? no rain at that time .


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if the users of the Beginners section of cycle chat would like to follow each others progress on Strava, I don't have any friends that cycling so would be great to follow some of you guys (& gals)

My Strava link >><<

Please ensure you privacy exclusion zone is set around your house (and work if you commute)
Following you fella but how the heckers do I get people to follow me? (not that I'm that interesting)


Norven Mankey
The problem is that unscrupulous people can see where you park your nice, maybe very valuable bike. IIRC similar sites may have been used to do just that. >

Similarly do not specify what type of bike you have on Strava if it's a nice expensive one. The number of folk who advertise they have a Pinarello Dogma or whatever, and let anyone know where they live is mind boggling. I have 2 bikes "good weather bike" and "bad weather bike" on Strava. Also don't put your fancy bike make in the title of your rides as that is searchable too.
Eg. I just searched "Dogma" on Strava and it gave me a rider who gives out his exact start point and end point on his rides (they are the same place so must be his house). What an idiot.

Stu Smith

Has above, it shouldn't be like that but that's the times we live in. Can't see it improving in the near future as the haves and have not's gap grows ever larger. Not that being a have not entitles you to thieve from the haves, unless your name is Robin Hood of course..
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